Dec 7 2001
Announcements: Feel free to post late breaking news on the message forum. Tommy Watt no longer has time to manage the BBS Development news. A big thanks to Tommy for his excellent work. We are currently looking for someone else to take over the position.NETFOSS
NETFOSS is a free FOSSIL driver for internet or network connections. Because its written entirly in ASM, it only uses about 10k of memory per node, and is very fast. NETFOSS is compatible with most telnet servers, including Argus, Beemail, and the ones included with Win32 BBS's such as EleBBS , Synchronet and MysticBBS. It also works with DOS based BBS software running running a front-end Win32 telnet server. Currently the XP/2K/NT version is very stable, and is in the beta cycle. You can apply as a beta tester at the site. There is not a version for legacy versions of Windows yet, though there may be one in the future.
Synchronet beta version 3.10F was recently released, and includes several new features, including a"services" feature that allows JavaScript modules or native executables to handle incoming TCP connections on specific ports (ala Unix inetd). This services feature has allowed several Javascript additions to be created, such as an NNTP Server (allowing BBS users to access message bases with outlook or any other news reader, as in Winserver and EleBBS), an HTML who's online lister, and a Finger server which combined with the SMTP server, allows inter-BBS "Instant-Messageing" technology. Version 3.10F also offers support for external message editors, and improved performance and reliability. The Linux and FreeBSD beta versions have also received considerable enhancment.
Michael Preslar is planing to release a new version of LORD for DOS this month. This version finally fixes the 100% CPU usage issue that sysops were experiencing under Windows and OS/2 during the past 10 years. Range checking has been added to prevent negitive values bugs from appearing, and the display routines have been enhanced to solve various cosmetic bugs. Michael is also working on native Windows and OS/2 ports of LORD, which are currently about 60% finished. The ports will be a complete rewrite, and is expected out sometime in 2002.
A FreeBSD version of EleBBS is currently being beta tested. Many enhancments have been made at the request of one of the beta testers (Stephen Hurd, aka Deuce) and it is said to be very functional.
Sauron BBS
Simon Horton recently released the source to Sauron Linux BBS, which can be compiled using FreePascal for Linux. Simon will be focusing his development on Sauron Web, a complete Web based BBS written in php 4.0 and Mysql, which will be released under GPL.
Renegade BBS
This is not really news, but Dreammaster of DORE has asked me to pass this along:
Jeff Herrings, the previous devloper of Renegade BBS, posted an announcment in the newsgroups a while back that Renegade BBS is officially dead, and the source code will never be released. This did not come as any surprise, as Renegade has had very little improvment ever since the original author Cott Lang abandoned it.
Renegade was originally based on the Telegard source code, and became one of the most popular BBS programs in the early 1990s. Its popularity died off by the mid 1990's when Telegard 3.0 was released with major new features which Renegade never caught up to.
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