BBS Software Development News

March 18 2001

Announcements: Feel free to post late breaking news on the message forum message board. Author Matt Munson is an aspiring journalist and political activist who has been in the BBS scene for the past five years. His Editor has been in the scene 15 years.
EleBBS News

EleBBS is back in full development. After version 0.08 was released at the end of October 2000, developer Maarten Bekers took a much needed break for a few months. As of last month, he jumped back into working on the next version. The beta cycle is expected to begin within the next few weeks.

New features being implemented include a Pascal-like scripting language and a compiler, code-named EleExer. This will allow powerful PPE/PEX like applications to be created that run from within EleBBS. Currently EleBBS uses an enhanced version of the RemoteAccess Questionnaire scripting language, which will still be supported as well.

The native Linux version of EleBBS has made considerable progress, and Maarten plans to include a public version of that in the upcoming 0.09 release.

Proboard BBS News

Proboard 2.2g was released by Telegrafix on March 16th, only one day after the previous version dropped dead. This came as a surprise to the remaining Proboard sysops, who were used to being down for several days or weeks before a new update is released. Version 2.2g contains no new features or fixes, and will expire on July 15, 2001.

Pat Clawson of Telegrafix says he will release a final version in the near future, and will then pull the plug on any future updates. No further development will be done, due the the losses they have suffered. He went on to call the BBS Scene "a group of deadbeats, hackers and software pirates".

O-M-N-I BBS News

O-M-N-I BBS, the 16-node professional version is now freeware! This was originally priced at $299. The price of the 32-node pro version had been lowered to $20. Copsey Strain, Inc stopped developing O-M-N-I in 1997, and now that they have released it as freeware they will no longer provide support.

O-M-N-I is a Windows application which runs under Windows 3.1, 9x, ME, NT, and Win2000 in 16-bit mode. It includes a special client terminal, called O-M-N-I Term which prvides users with a HTML-like GUI interface. Users can download multiple files in the background while performing other tasks on the BBS. It includes a BASIC style scripting language.

Wildcat/Winserver News

Winserver released a new AUP update on March 13th. This update is a minor revision mostly in the email system. It contains several bug fixes in wcSMTP, wcMAIL and wcListServer. wcStart has been improved and has some new features. As usual registered users must pay a monthly fee to get these fixes.

Santronics is now developing an NNTP News Server, simular to the one currently in EleBBS. This will allow users to point their favorate news client to the URL of the BBS and access the message bases.

Winserver is the last of the commercial BBS's still on the market, with prices for the multiline version starting at $345, their "get it all" 32-bit package sells for $459, not including the monthly AUP charge you need to pay for bug fixes.

Door32 News

An updated D32 Door Library version 0.02 was released on February 23rd. Currently there are only a few door authors who are using it, including DMUD, SIM-BBS, and Pimp Wars.
Hopefully more door developers will jump on the Door32 bandwagon soon.

Hits since Mar 18 2001:

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