BBS Software Development News

January 2001

Announcements: Feel free to post late breaking news on the message forum message board. News will be posted around mid February for the next edition of BBS News. We apologize for the brief hiatus of our newsletter, and we hope you keep on reading. Matt Munson is an aspiring journalist and political activist who has been in the BBS scene for the past five years. His Editor has been in the scene 15 years.


TEOS/LORD2 are under redevelopment. Metropolis, who holds the copyrights to all three of the popular door games originally programmed by Seth Robinson will be enhanced and maintained by Michael Preslar, the same programmer currently developing the original LORD door game for Metropolis. Michael has also been granted permission from Metropolis to port all three of these door games over to Win32 excutables. Thanks to all the people who joined the petition a few months back to let Metropolis know that people wanted to have LORD ported to Win32.


A new development team has taken the reins from the original author. The registration routines are being taken out, Watergate can be now compiled under Free Pascal as well as Borland Pascal. Synchronet BBS message base support is also one potential feature that is being considered. Find out more at

COM/IP 2.2.7:

A new version of the Virtual-Modem/Telnet driver for Windows was released this month. COM/IP 2.2.7 fixes some minor glitches under Windows 2000 when transfering files, and with the AT command interpeter. As usual, this is a free update for registered users. The latest version can be requested from

John Dailey:

John Dailey is still alive. The current developer of games such as Dungeon Master and Barren Realms Elite has released a newsletter, readjusted his pricing policies and hopes to unveil his newest site design soon. One change that most customers will appreciate is that John expects to implement a secure instant registration system. Visit his site at


A new public beta version of the JAM/Hudson/Goldbase tosser has been released. The version is 1.59e and minor stability bugs have been fixed. Download the new version at


The Win32 GUI Mailer and Message tosser is now donationware. An donation is appreciated for continued use of Beemail. File TIC processor ablity is being worked on, Y2K fixes for message base formats in the message base editor, improved TCP/IP and modem handling with better release of system resources. Visit Beemail HQ at:

Mystic BBS 1.07.02:

Mystic BBS version 1.07.2 is out. Mystic is a cross platform BBS software for DOS, OS/2, Win32 and Linux. Upgrades from 1.06 to 1.07 are not possible at the moment. Version 1.07.2 is a upgrade for fresh installs of version 1.07. Visit the author's page at

Hits since Jan 27 2001:

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