November 10, 2000
If you have any additional news in relation to BBS Software Development or BBS Utilities, please share details on the message forum or email the new editor Matt Munson. Matt is an aspiring journalist and political activist who has been in the BBS scene for the past five years.
BeeMail News:
The Synchronet for Linux port is under way and currently compiles,
links, and runs, though it's still in the early alpha stages and
is not yet intended for public use. Several Synchronet utilities
are being ported over to Linux as well.
TriBBS version 11.5 was released on 10/29/00.
This is the first version released by the new developer, Frank Prue.
As mentioned in last months news, Frank recently purchased TriBBS
from Freejack software. Version 11.5 is a minor update, in which
Frank has optimized the code in several areas.
Beemail- The dual Fidonet and echomail processor has changed hands. Beemail
is released in two flavors Win32 and Win16. The mailer does either dialup
or TCP/IP connections, the echomail processor covers a wide section of
message base formats such as JAM, Squish, *.MSG, PC-BOARD 14.5, 15.2 and
PowerBBS message base. A public version of Beemail is out now to licensed
users. The price tag for Beemail is now only $25 compared to $60 before.
Synchronet BBS News:
Synchronet version 3.00c was released as a wide beta this month.
New features include Local and Remote node spying/controlling,
Inbound RLogin support (ala TradeWars Game Server), and a
Graphical user database editor. The final release of version 3.00
is expected to be released in December.
TriBBS News