Walls and liners msg doors
GPLUS2.ZIP 81K 01-02-1996
|      Graffiti Plus version 2.0         |
+----------[ By: Nik Bauer ]-------------+
|  This is the BEST Graffiti Wall! It    |
|  includes options such as:             |
|                                        |
|  * Light Bar post menus                |
|  * Up to 6 line posts                  |
|  * Add color to your posts             |
|  * Anonymous options                   |
|  * Sysop menus and configurable        |
|  * Configurable amount of posts        |
|  * ANSi only                           |
|  * 100% FREEWARE                       |
|                                        |
CRAZYLIN.ZIP 11K 01-02-1996
---=== Crazy Line v1.0 ===---
The funniest  onelinerboard U
have ever seen.Lots of colors
and built-in high-performance 
ANSI display system.  For use
with  ProBoard 2.0x,  RA 2.xx
and each   other DORINFO1.DEF
supporting  BBS s/w.  This is
100% german quality freeware!
ACOLNR30.ZIP 42K 01-20-1996
|    * AcoLyte Presents *    |
|                            |
+------.AcoLiner v3.0.-------+
|                            |
|                            |
| * No configuration needed! |
| * Thrilling layout!        |
| * Supports Name/Handle,etc |
| * Simple to install!       |
| * And much more..          |
:                            |
.                            :

 [*] CYBERiA +31-71-79O411 [*]
!15WALL.ZIP 45K 03-09-1996
!MX_ON.ZIP 6K 04-23-1995
| || +--+ |   -O-N-L-I-N-E-R-
| || +- | |      -= 0.3 =-
| || +--| | -S-H-A-R-E-W-A-R-E-
+-++-+  +-+--------------------+
| - Create a LogBook (RA 2.xx) |
| - Use your own Ansis         |
| - Allow Macros (next User)   |
| - Eazy 2 install             |
| - Less than 10KB of HD-Space |
| - NO Fossil-Driver needet    |
| - Made by Immortal Arrogance |
 Independence Rulez  | || +--+ |
   BE YOURSELF OR    | || +- | |
 die like a Lemming  | || +--| |
                     +-++-+  +-+
10_WALL.ZIP 72K 11-16-1995
-=-=-=-=-=-   THeWaLL 1o.o   -=-=-=-=-=-
****************[ Beta ]****************
Just get it. You won't be sorry. .... ..
and if you are, well .... um.
11LINE.ZIP 3K 10-07-1997
1Line v1.1
The *BEST* oneliners wall script for
Telegard BBS v3.02 just got better!
New look! Ugly output bug fixed!
14NLINEZ.ZIP 25K 01-11-1997
-  - - -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.4 ]-/\/- - - -
-                                         -
-  THe BeSt OnE-LiNeRs DooR FoR TeleGard  -
-   Or Any (DOOR.SYS) Compatible System.  -
. Features Light-Bars, 7 SysOp Selectable .
-   or Random Color Schemes, and More!    -
.                                         .
. Req: Fossil Driver, Door.Sys Compatible .
.                                         .
.    [FreeWare From NiTe ProDucTionS]     .
.              [By: WoLFy]                .
.                                         .
. - - - -/\/-[ ReLeAsE InFo ]-\/\- -  - - .
.                                         .
-     Totaly Re-Designed, NeW Look!       -
.        16 Lines, 7 Color Schemes        .
-           (Even Brown! Yuk!)            -
-       ...And Much More! Enjoy!          -
-                                         -
-  - - -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.4 ]-/\/- - - -
1GRAF.ZIP 108K 07-22-1995
The Electric Wall! v1.0 A Graffitti Wall.
SysOp can:
 Can Change Griffitti Display Screen Colors.
 Can Change Any Post A User Enters.
 Know Who Posted What.
 Add User To A Bad Names List So Can't Post.

1LINEV12.ZIP 174K 04-12-1997
#### One Linerz  v1.2 ####
Here's your chance to let people know
what you have to say!  Each month enter
your BEST One Liner and VOTE for your
favourite One Liner.  On the 1st of each
month a DRAW will be made automatically
and you could be the lucky winner of the
PRIZE determined by the Sysop!  
Throughout the month check out the TOP 
10 LIST to see how YOUR line is doing 
in the competition!  Included support 
for built-in color codes and Sysop 
defined BAD WORDS.  Automatically sees
Sysop and asks for PRIZE SETUP.
Now includes support for DOOR.SYS, 
and CALLINFO.BBS.  Download One Linerz 
today and encourage user participation 
and competition on your BBS!   
(C)1996 Lounge Software
3LNRBLWD.ZIP 34K 08-17-1994
|   #=#  #   =#   #= =#=#    |
|   #=#  #    # # #   # #    |
|   #x#| #xx| #x#x#  x#x#    |
|  Excellent 3 liner door.   |
|This one has it all - users |
|can enter a 3 liner to all  |
|callers and then input is   |
|written to an ANSi file.    |
|Features include: Y/n ques- |
|tion, advanced logging pro- |
|cedure and 'Anonymous' op-  |
|tion...  The quickest three | 
|liner availible!            |
|(c) 1994 Crystal Cavern Sft.|
AAL10.ZIP 85K 03-07-1993
Add-A-Line Graffiti Door is a simple door to
allow your users to enter jokes, puns, quotes
or other graffiti or to slam each other or
maybe even the SysOp!
AG118.ZIP 27K 08-23-1997
  ACiD GRAFiTTi, Users place
  grafitti for other users
  to see/change.

#======#     #======#
# #### #     # #### #
# #### #     # ##   #
# ## # #     # #    #
# #  # ======# # ## ==========#
# ####  cid  # #  #  rafitti  #
# #  # xxxxxx# #### xxxxxxxxxx#
#xxxxxx#     #xxxxxx#

   Grafitti Wall for RA/PB
   or any other DOOR.SYS/
   DORINFO1.DEF capable BBS

AM410S.ZIP 90K 06-29-1995
AutoMessager v4.10 - Automessage door for
virtually every BBS system! Registration
enables creation of RIP, PCBoard, Wildcat,
ANSI, and ASCII type screens, supports
aliases, duel messages, bad users,
and more. Registration only $10.00!
Written by Paul Sullivan. Copyright
(c) 1995 Paul Sullivan.

APOST32.ZIP 24K 09-16-1994
An awesome AutoPost door, v3.2.
Sysop config. colors, security for posting,
No.# of posts before deleting, allows handles.

All configurable by the sysop.
Completely self-maintaining. Support for 
TriBBS, PCBoard, Spitfire, RBBS, Wildcat!,
GAP (Door.Sys) & WWIV.  $10.00 reg fee.
ARSENIC.ZIP 6K 11-24-1996
The Arsenic Wall of Poison! v1.0 Simple
little grafitti wall meant to replace the
standard walls that we see. As more releases
are let loose you will see some new and
exciting additions to this wall that you have
never seen in a grafitti wall before.
AT12.ZIP 42K 05-05-1995
Digital Genesis's 'After Thoughts' v1.1
- 5/26/94 FOSSIL support - ANSI support
- door.sys and dorinfo1.def Message to
next caller door. Very configurable.
AWALL10.ZIP 279K 01-13-1995
A-Wall v1.0 One-Liner door.
#Features:                              #
#-Full ANSI Support                     #
#-Supports COM1 - 4                     #
#-Complete Logging                      #
#-Badwords filter                       #
#-Lockout Feature                       #
#-300 - 115k Baud                       #
#-DESQView Aware!                       #
#-FREE Registration!!!                  #
#-A MUST for SysOps!                    #
#Written by: Billy                      #
#Sargent Support BBS (812)897-8757      #
AWALL154.ZIP 78K 08-25-1991
Version 1.54
AWALL20.ZIP 61K 12-02-1995
Here you go! A-Wall v2.0! Newest
and best One-Liner Door! Version
1.0 was NOTHING like this! TOTAL
100% FREE! FREE! FREE! Download
me NOW! Written by Billy Sargent!
AWALL211.ZIP 126K 05-05-1995
ALLEY-WALL v2.11; A graffiti\bulletin door
for PCBoard 14.x and compatible systems.
Alley-Wall features: user selectable colors,
user selectable bulletin format, and more!
Other features include an easy to use setup
program, SYSOP commands, TOP or BOTTOM
bulletin placement, automatic old bulletin
removal, and a maximum number of entries.
BBSQ_V10.ZIP 130K 12-06-1995
 +----Future Shock BBS Quips v.1.0---+
 +---. . -  -             -  - . .---+
 | One-liner door for most BBS's     |
 | This will let users write up      |
 | one-liners to get some small talk |
 | going on your BBS. Once registered|
 | ($10) you can completely customize|
 | the look. Supports DORINFOx.DEF   |
 +---. . -  -             -  - . .---+
BEELZ15U.ZIP 151K 02-13-1997
666 BEElzeb£b v1.5u - 13/02/97 666
999                            666
666 "DEV!L!$HLY GooD 0nEL!nER" 999
999                            666
666 * NEW - Censor & Log File  999
999 * Great FREE Oneliner      666
666 * Scrolling / Lightbars    999
999 * Random Quotes            666
666 * Top Ten Score List       999
999 * Inbuilt Macro's          666
666 * Produces Bulletins       999
999 * Shows Writers, Time/Date 666
666 * Multi-Coloured Lines     999
999 * Allows 50 Chars. / Line  666
666 * Includes Sysop Editor    999
999 * Twitlist & VIP Files     666
666                            999
999 (c) 1997 TwoDogs Computing 666
666          & FLUffY Freeware 999
BLOOD105.ZIP 224K 05-12-1998
|    Blood-Lines   -   Oneliner   |
|     Ver 1.00     -     H-Cl     |
|        Hydro-Chloric AppZ       |
|  Add an infamous Oneliner to    |
|  Your renegade bbs WITHOUT a    |
|  complicated setup process!!!!  |
BMB-LN15.ZIP 44K 11-13-1995
_________________   /\  ______________:
_______     ____ \ /  \_\_______     /:
:|:  _/   _/   :\ Y ______/:  _/   _/::
:|    \   ¬\     \ /    ¬\_    \   ¬\:
:|_________/      Y_______/_________/:.
::.     /_________| [ A-BOMB CREW ]  :
 : %]  YAR BOMBLiNER 1.5 FOR 'RA  [% ::
:: %]   NOW CENSORiNG BBS ADDS!   [% :.
CARNWA10.ZIP 92K 06-30-1995
     --==Carange Wall 1.0==--
            Written By: Brent Fraliex
 A oneliner with colorcodes and
 writes the name of the person
 who wrote the text before his/her
CBRWAL46.ZIP 101K 04-07-1995
CYBERWALL v4.6 Great Wall
Program! Supporting:
CFE-1L10.ZIP 16K 08-13-1998
 S$$ýOýS$$ S$$ýOýS$$ S$$ýOýS$$
 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$ # $$$
 $$$ # $$$ $$$ # $$$ $$$## $$$  ##     #
 $$$ # ýaa $$$   ýaa $$$   $$$ ----------..
 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$a     coffee |
 $$SsssSSS S$$ -     $$Sssass  produkshon |
 . - -- -- -   -- - --------------------- |
 |                                 /\     :
 | 1liner 1.0,  a one day thing  {'oo`}   |
 | by onion. rEaLLy animated, a  /`\/'\   |
 | simple liner that looks gr8! `/|  |\'  |
CMBBSL12.ZIP 41K 10-07-1993
CMBBSLST v1.1B; A door for Remoteaccess
users to let other sysop/cosysops write
theire bbs in a list ,with options like:
/NEWUSER to let the new user ask if he wants
his bbs into the list after the questionaire
with info like baud rate (ZyXEL support)
system type ,remarks REMOTE ACCESS v2.00
CNOTE101.ZIP 43K 12-22-1995
|     CyberNote v1.01       |
| ------------------------- |
| Super Mess-to-next-caller |
| Door fuer Remote-Access.  |
|                           |
| - Komplett deutsch        |
| - Lightbar-Steuerung      |
| - ahnl. I*E-NOTE :)       |
|                           |
|  **** ES LOHNT SICH ****  |
|       - FREEWARE -        |
|  (C) 1995 by CyberProd    |
+---------Ole Schley--------+
CONE103.ZIP 77K 07-10-1995
+-------- .- .- -   -. --. - ------+
|       CooL OneLiner V1.03        |
|                                  |
| o Eigenes Ansi definierbar       |
| o Coole "PRESS ENTER"-Prompts !!!|
| o Multilinefahig                 |
| o Sehr leicht zu konfigurieren   |
| o Nur DM 10,- Registrierung      |
| o (c) by Andreas v. Haaren       |
|                                  |
+---------. .- -.-  -. -. .--------+
COTLN320.ZIP 18K 03-12-1996
     ###=##  ###=### ####=##
     ### ==  ### ### =### =*
     ###     =## #### ###
     ### #### ## #### ### AtL
.--- ###x#### ##x#### ### -.--.
|                             |
| NAME....: COT LINERZ        |
|           Version 3.20 Beta |
: CREAT0R.: DELTA RAY         |
| TYPE....: RA UTiL (LiNERZ)  |
| DATE....: 12-03-96          :
| NF0.....: Colors & Top Six! |
:           No Config Needed! |
|           4 Censor Modes!   |
|           Local Editting!   :
|           Real Name/Handle  |
:           *BUGFiXED* Colors |
|           *BUGFiXED* Top 6  |
:                             |
    --- Ultimate Linerz ---
CREWLINE.ZIP 37K 08-28-1995
    ______________    /  __/_______
    \             \  /   \        /
     \    ____     \/     \_     /
______\   \  /            //    /____
\      \   \/            //    /     /
 \          \   /\      //          /o
  \_________/__/  \____//__________/ O
  |  tHe jUNGLe sLAMMs yOu wITh     |
  |                                 |
  |         cREWLLINERs             |
  |                                 |
  |  tRy tHIs oNE iTs 100% cREWL    |
  | aLL cODINg wHAs dONe bY cAVEMAn |
                   --dIz By mAILMAN--
CRITC&L.ZIP 21K 05-31-1995
|#######== #######=# ######|
|#######   ####### # ######|
|#######   #######=x ######-
|#######   ####### # ######|
|#######   ####### # ######|
|#######xx ####### # ######|
|========= ======= = ======|
|    CRYTiCaL BRiNgS Ya    |
|   LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ v1.1  |
| MaDe By-+            TDD |
| TYPe----+          DooRS |
- FoR-----+        RA 2.xx |
| FiLe----+   CRIT????.EXE |
|  aDDeD DeFiNaBLe aNSi'S  |
| iN BoTH LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ -
CRZLNR9.ZIP 68K 01-05-1997
| CRAZY ONE LINER      RA 2.5x
+---- ------ ---  -- --  - - -
| Version Number - 1.09R      -
| Program Type   - One Liner  -
| Release Date   - 04-01-97   -
| Coded For      - RA 2.50+   .
.                             .
. Short Description           |
- Let the user write a line   |
- or change the header in     |
- the one liner               |
-                             |
- Changes + Install Program   |
-         + General Update    |
-                             |
- Main Coder - Crezo of MAD   |
  - - ------ ---  --  - - ----+
  Home of MAD: Boomerang BBS  |
      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    |
CWALL10.ZIP 110K 03-21-1998
     -= Cool Wall 1.00 =-
  New advanced onliner wall.
  you can laught,cry,wink
  and much more. Full multi
 node support. Uses Door.sys,
 DorinfoX.def, Chain.txt,
CYBLIN10.ZIP 64K 12-27-1994
Screen + Colors; Special HaCKeR STyLe; Color
degrading; Cursor Keys; 100% configurable.
DAVESBAR.ZIP 100K 12-01-1995
DAVESBAR.  A conversation door where caller's
can use a full screen editor to leave up to
three lines in a message.  This is an ANSI
based door with a full-screen ANSI editor.
Random messages from "Dave the bartender" are
inserted at random as callers read messages.
Callers have the option to "colorize" liners
they leave.
DCTNU005.ZIP 57K 07-22-1996
DCT Note to the Next User v0.05 * A full-
featured message to the next user door 
compatible with any BBS which creates a 
DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS drop file.  
Features include the lightbar selector, 
blacklisting of problem users, the user 
censor, user logging, colour codes, plus 
more.  Can be configured to look any way 
you want so that it matches your board's 
theme.  Setup is fast and easy.  FreeWare 
by Dan Traczynski.
DEDEND10.ZIP 64K 10-19-1993
DEAD END 1.0 + The wall that bites
RIP/ANSi/ASCII graffiti wall that makes all
other lame, limp wall doors look like
complete crap.  Complete/flexible config and
more attitude than you can eat.  GET IT LAMER.
DIGI11.ZIP 104K 07-16-1995
DigiMessage is a Message to Next Caller
program for any BBS that uses

*FREEWARE* from Digital Software Ent.
DKPOST40.ZIP 53K 08-09-1997
DarkPost v4.0 - Graphical BBS Autopost Door
This enhanced BBS autopost system has a lot
of incredible features like, post deleting,
random emotions, user lockouts, MCI color &
display codes, language checker, and a 100%
editable display system. It's FREEWARE too!
- Copyright (C) 1996-97 Dark Technologies -
DL1LINER.ZIP 18K 01-19-1997
dl oNEliNeRz v1.00
  - frEewaRe -
Most configurable
oneliners ever.
Supports most BBS's.
FeaR - 3i5.472.5726
DL60-F.ZIP 58K 01-23-1999
      dA LiNERz 6.0 (*Final*)
  all bugs fixed. filtering. more
    config and string  options.
  great oneliner program for most
   bbs softwares! try  this out!
  LoRd NiKoN (LogikTECH Software)
DL61-BF.ZIP 20K 01-28-1999
     dA LiNERz 6.1 (*Bug Fix*)     
 reg.key bug  fixed, oneliner loop
   bug, and  backdoor bug fixed!
     read readme.txt for more!
  LoRd NiKoN (LogikTECH Software)
DLINE100.ZIP 120K 06-20-1994
| Death Liners v.1.00.kick.hiney
| Really the BEST Oneliner Door!
- Fully Configurable! Fades!
DLMNEXT.ZIP 37K 06-23-1998
       DLM Next Version 1.5 

DLM Next is a Message to Next User
utility, very easy to setup and
install.  Config file creator

 Registration status:  FREEWARE!  
DMALN200.ZIP 84K 11-07-1997
 ___________  /\_________________( /______
_\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
|  /  ¬ _/\ \/   \ _/\   ¬  /   \  | /    l
l_____\____\||____¬___\__\ /\___l__|¬  l__|
|         DEMENTiA LAWLiNERS v2.0         |
| Highly configurable lightbardriven wall |
|   for RemoteAccess 2.x and compatible   |
| systems. Complete recode, new features. |
|::::::[  e x p e c t   m o r e  ! ]::::::|
DTWLL122.ZIP 195K 12-15-1999
+-+     D T - W A L L   v1.2.0      +-+
|                                     |
|     An InterBBS Grafitti Wall       |
|                                     |
|        {{{{ Features }}}}           |
|                                     |
|  Inter BBS Capable *{ REGISTERED }* |
|  Bad Word Filtering.                |
|  Bad User Lockouts.                 |
|  Bad User Twitting.                 |
|  Global Twitting via Inter BBS      |
|  Sysop Defined Lockout Period.      |
|  Five Different Backdrops.          |
|  Single or Multiple Input Modes.    |
|  Multiple Text Colours.             |
|  Top 15 Twits List.                 |
|  Maintainance Utility.              |
|  Deletes quotes older than 30 days. |
|  Deletes dead posters after 30 days.|
|  Plus Much More.                    |
|                                     |
+------ REGISTRATION $10.00 NZ -------+
DWALL130.ZIP 78K 03-07-1995
Latest version of Dementia Wall with support
for a full page of multi-color grafitti.
Still the best Grafitti wall available.
DWALL141.ZIP 109K 07-04-1996
Dementia Wall V1.41
DWALL_24.ZIP 97K 04-17-1996
Dirty Wall v2.4 FREEWARE!
The ultimate WALL door ....
Looks like a real wall,
with bricks and everything
use handles or real names!
Limit tags per day!
multinode aware!
EBS-FX15.ZIP 38K 04-23-1997
      _____/(     ____       ______)\
     /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
     \    _/     |    _    \___    \
      \_____     |_________/___     |
+--.---.-.- \__  | -.---...--- \__  | --.-+
:              \(  FXLiNER V1.5   )/      |
| Door for any BBS like PCB or RA!        |
|                                         |
: This OneLiner Door is 100% Different of |
| Any Other!                              |
|                                         |
| You Can Put a Line With FX's Like Fades,:
: Scrolls, TypeWritter & MORE!            |
|                                         |
| Fully LightBar Driven!                  |
| You can Change all the ANSi's!          :
| FREEWARE!                               |
: DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |
EZWALL10.ZIP 60K 05-05-1995
E-Z Wall v1.0  ** LlanoWare **
Another Graffiti Wall for your users
to write their mindless ramblings on.
E-Z Wall supports most BBS dropfiles.  
E-Z installation will have you up and
running in minutes, even on multi-node
systems!  Multi-node playable!  Full
fossil support for com1 thru com99.  
Allows unlimited entrys.  Direct write
and read options. Full Language support.
Supports locked baud rates to 115,200.
FALKWALL.ZIP 30K 05-26-1992
Grafitti wall for Falken BBs's
FANTWV22.ZIP 145K 09-29-1996
Adult Sexual Stories BBS Door!
Users can read Fantasy Wall stories
or enter\read user Adult Sexual 
Adventures.  Explore the world of Adult 
Literature and have some fun too!  
Now supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,       
Copyright (C)1996 Lounge Software
FLAMET11.ZIP 29K 07-21-1992
Flame thrower one liner door. Users flame
the next user, not knowing it's a oneliner.
FLW10.ZIP 36K 03-19-1996
Famous Last Words v1.0
A very good program to have
your users leave messages
to the next caller! Great
program, extremely simple
to use!
FMTNC110.ZIP 43K 04-04-1994
(v1.10R) Fantasy Software Message To Next
Caller door!! Cardware MTNC door. It does not
handle only one message! It can handle up    
to -FOUR- messages! Special Sysop function.  
Output ansi/ascii, also a twit function!     
Cardware/Shareware by Pascal van Rossum      
FNOTE133.ZIP 45K 04-23-1996
FootNote v1.33 -=- By Richard Currier
Add a One-liners door to your system.
Supports multi-node and many bbs 
packages. Allow your user to post one
liners to other users publicly. Simple
setup, Self-maintaining door.  Nice 
user interface. Multi-Tasker Aware.
Intro Ansi option added. OnLine Help
Ansi added. Now supports some @codes
for colors.  @NAME@, @FIRST@ and
pseudo @PASSWORD@.  Also, has logfile
capability.  See Bugs.fix for more
info on color codes and how to
activate the log file.
  -= Only $10.00 to register. =-
FREELINR.ZIP 19K 04-02-1998
A very simple comment wall.
My first door written in
TurboPASCAL 7.0.  Freeware,
of course!  (C) 1998 Sean
FTNOTE10.ZIP 39K 03-05-1995
FootNote v1.00 -=- By Richard Currier
Add a One-liners door to your system.
Supports multi-node and many bbs 
packages. Allow your user to post one
liners to other users publicly. Simple
setup, no maintenance door.  Nice 
user interface. Multi-Tasker Aware.
-= Only $10.00 to register. =-
FTNOTE12.ZIP 40K 06-19-1995
FootNote v1.21 -=- By Richard Currier
Add a One-liners door to your system.
Supports multi-node and many bbs 
packages. Allow your user to post one
liners to other users publicly. Simple
setup, Self-maintaining door.  Nice 
user interface. Multi-Tasker Aware.
Now Runs Faster in DesqView.
-= Only $10.00 to register. =-
FUNKWAL2.ZIP 58K 09-12-1996
ThE FuNkY WaLl 2.0
A Complete ReWrite Of
The Funky Wall..
10x More Cooler
The Best Wall Door Out
There.. Check It Out
It Even Has Random
Colors.. For Door.sys
and Dorinfo.def
FWALL22D.ZIP 141K 05-28-1997
FANTASY WALL v2.2 AKA: Faithfull Witness
Christian oriented Stories BBS Door!
Users can read Fantasy Wall stories
or enter\read user Christian Testimonies
Stories or Adventures. Explore the world
of Christian Literature and have some
fun too!  Now supports DOOR.SYS,
Copyright (C)1996 Lounge Software
GHETO251.ZIP 8K 09-09-1995
            GHeTTo WaLL
The best oneliner program out! works
on wildcat! 4.10+ systems. Features
   * Cool scrolling Technique
   * Optional Cuss Word Filter
   * Who Called Today Option Built In
   * New Files Since and Read New Mail
   * Auto Name Posting for added security
   * Non-Encrypted text editing of 1Liners
   * Allows WC! AT (@) color codes
   * MUCH More!
GL-NOTE.ZIP 31K 07-14-1996
 x x#xx  x#x xx#x xx x#xx x x#x# x#xx x
#==#=#x#=#=##x#=*=### =#x##= =#x#[dOOR]#
 xxxx #==   = xxxx =  =  = xxxx === *==#
|###|  =#####=####==#####x=####=#####x
 =###xx####=  ####   #####x####xxxxxxxx
x####= =####x #### # |#####xxxx  =#####|
####| # |####|####   #####|#### kt|#####
=####x  ##########xx####=#x#####xx#####|
#    x ====== ####x      x       ======#
###x#=#xx#*x#x    xx=#x####x#x=#xx*#x#x#
##= #   =     =   =   =       =   =# =##
#|       * xPRESS NOtE v1.0B *        |#
#| * for: RA/RBBS/QUiCk/PCB15/fORCE * |#
#|           * bY GRENdEl *           |#
GPLUS21.ZIP 82K 11-19-1995
|      Graffiti Plus version 2.1         |
+----------[ By: Nik Bauer ]-------------+
|  This is the BEST Graffiti Wall! It    |
|  includes options such as:             |
|                                        |
|  * Light Bar post menus                |
|  * Up to 6 line posts                  |
|  * Add color to your posts             |
|  * Anonymous options                   |
|  * Read just todays new postings       |
|  * Jump to any post                    |
|  * Sysop menus and configurable        |     
|  * Configurable amount of posts        |
|  * ANSi only                           |
|  * 100% FREEWARE                       |
|  * Bug fixes and more from version 2.0 |
|                                        |
GRAF22.ZIP 84K 06-11-1996
The Graffiti Door v2.2. Your Users will
want to write, or read what others write.
GRAFIT22.ZIP 59K 07-31-1995
 * * * GRAFITI WALL 2.2 * * *     
A great wall for all of your user's
graffiti!  Customize the amount of
lines, max num of posts, users can
colorize their aliases, read new
posts since last time, and much more!
The only wall that doesn't suck, with
ANSI/ASCII!!!  From No Quarter!
GRAF_202.ZIP 3K 10-29-1992
    The Graffiti Wall Door v2.2
for DORINFO1.DEF and WildCAT! systems
        written by Rob O'Dell
        (C)  1992 Park In The Alley Software
GRAPH20B.ZIP 70K 01-06-1996
RedWall Graphitti - Version (2.0):
 | Supports SPITFIRE, Telegard, Force!,
 | Pcboard, Gap, WildCat!, Genesis, WWIV,
 | QuickBBS, | RemoteAccess, SuperBBS, &
 | support!  Most COM ports, any baud 
 | rate!  FREEWARE! Supports Fossil or
 | TEXT!! & Multiple .CFG files!
GRFITI20.ZIP 71K 05-05-1995
Grafitti Wall For Any DOOR.SYS BBS!
Sysop Configurable!       DV Aware!
Version 2.00 -} NEW RIP Graphics! {-
From FireHawk SoftWare.
GWALL303.ZIP 71K 08-24-1998
 # xxx xxx xxx xxx x x x xx x  x #
## | x | | | | | | | | | |  |xx| ##
## #x# #=| #=# #== #=# # #   ||  ##
## xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ##
xx#=   Graphity Wall  V.3.03   =#xx
++-+ This is a door offering a +-++
++- wall for your users, where +-++
++-+ they can scribble little -+-++
++-+ paintings on. Supporting -+-++
++-+- DORINFO.DEF & DOOR.SYS. -+-++
++-+-+ ANSi & Avatar support +-+-++
++-+- Icymode or user colors. -+-++
++-+-+- Paint your own wall -+-+-++
++-+-+- Elite font on demand +-+-++
++-+-  Internal chat (nice!;) -+-++
++-+-+-+-+ Chat only mode -+-+-+-++
++-+- Mutinode configuration. -+-++
++-+- Timeslicing with Tasker -+-++
++- Carrier and Timeleft Check +-++
++-+- Language and color conf.-+-++
==|  ShareWare:  $15 / DM 20,-  |==
###x   by Grischa Brockhaus    x###
GWORLD20.ZIP 106K 03-27-1994
Graffiti World Version 2.0 - BBS door
Includes many features not in conventional
graffiti doors. RIP support local and remote,
with local mouse support! Registration $5.
HIGH200.ZIP 187K 05-17-1996
|#|       HiGHLANDER v2.00       |#|
|#| A new easy to  use  oneliner |#|
|#| program for most BBSes  that |#|
|#| support: DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT |#|
|#| SFDOORS.DAT, and CALLINFO.   |#|
|#|                              |#|
|#| Includes: Sysop configurable |#|
|#| screens,  with  support  for |#|
|#| variable text  positions,  a |#|
|#| top writers feature, support |#|
|#| for log files, external chat |#|
|#| utility and InterBBS mode.   |#|
|#|                              |#|
|#|      * Download Now!! *      |#|
|#|                              |#|
|#|     The Fonty Towers BBS     |#|
HONLI108.ZIP 34K 10-29-1993
Hectomowick-Crew FINLAND Presents:
##|Hectomowick-Crew's ONE-LINER v1.08|##
| SuperBBS(all hudsons), HyperBBS,     |
| BaSSeBBS, NorthBBS, MBBS, BBBS, PCx, |
| HectoBBS, T.A.G, TG and ofcourse ... |
IDS-WAL1.ZIP 64K 05-02-1997
  sýýýs sýýýsý~ýs.   sý~ý$ý~ý$$Hb.
  $   $ $   $   $ ý. $ .:$   :::$$
  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~ý
  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ ýS$$$s.sSý~ýs
  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ sýýýs   $  .$
  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
   [ iNFiDELS ] ~ýS$ $$$$$   $$$$$
~ý$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$ý~
  ý$ý     GRAFFiTiWALL v1.o    ý$ý
   $   for remoteaccess 2.xx    $
   $   let's the users write    $
   $     whatever they want     $
   $   multicolor, 100% config  $
   $    cool, east to install   $
  d$b     coded by: rancor     d$b
.sSPýýý''ýýýý ~     ~ ý$IDS'97$ýýSs.
IN-LINER.ZIP 46K 08-11-1995
|###|   iNSANE PRODUCTIONS   |###|
+-------- - --------  --- - -----+
::[---- iNSANE Liner v.10B ----]::
::[- A new Release of RA Doors ]::
::[- For R.A. v.2.xx BBSs only-]::
::[- Totally Configurable !!! -]::
::[- With beautyfull Screens --]::
::[- With some new features . -]::
::[- Total of 4 menu options --]::
::[- SysOp has total Control! -]::
::[ By Devil Flame - 1995 JUL -]::
------------[ iNSANE ]------------
INOTE100.ZIP 89K 03-08-1997
IceNote v1.00 * Note To All Users Door *
Some features include note censoring,
colour configuration, message database,
BBS alias/definable alias, random/defined
expressions, reading pause delay, colour
pipe codes, single/multi/scrolling
messages, lightbar menus, automated
internal database viewer, and much more!
Official release date: 03/08/97
IOLINA3.ZIP 18K 10-05-1997
Interactive Oneliner
 v1.0 alpha 3
 a oneliner program
JP-ZL10.ZIP 23K 07-25-1997
zeroliners v1.0.. (freeware)
 by jack phlash of demonic
KATWLL20.ZIP 66K 09-24-1995
*         Kat-Wall        *
*       Grafitti Wall     *
*       Version 2.00+     *
*                         *
*    Supports most BBS    *
*        Packages         *
*                         *
*   Written using DDPLUS  *
*                         *
*     By Sharon Sparks    *
*    Cool Dude the Kat    *
*     +61-07-288-7680     *
*     +61-07-288-7681     *
KLT-SPN3.ZIP 43K 02-23-1994
Siphon V.1.0.3.E. - Kult
The BEST One Liners DOOR EVER!
Has cross shading ansi effects!
Now has up to 8 COM PORTS support!
Optional Fossil Driver support!
Most kickass 1-liner door ever!
Now comes with an E-Z INSTALL program!
 And BEST of ALL it's FREE!
KPWS11R2.ZIP 115K 04-13-1997
KeWL PRoDuKsHunZ Presents
KeWL WaLL SHorTiE v1.1 R2
    (C)opyright 1997
LINERZ.ZIP 32K 12-22-1996
VOiD One-linerz
Clark Ent '96
LINERZ2.ZIP 85K 02-21-1994
|#|         The  Original         |#|
|#+-)(-----) LiNERZ V2.0 (-----)(-+#|
|#| Is It Still Freeware? .. YEZ! |#|
|#|RA 2.00+ DOOR : Users May Add  |#|
|#|A Line On A Page Where All The |#|
|#|Lines Of Other Users Are Stored|#|
|#| NEW FEATURES!!! :             |#|
|#| + BBS-Advertise-Detection!    |#|
|#| + Custom ANSI Screen / Colors |#|
|#| + Scroll Back Buffer          |#|
|#| + MUCH Much More!!!!          |#|
LOGBRAIN.ZIP 106K 11-10-1995
Here's a program you can run with the LOGON.BAT
option found in GAP.
This program will create a spiffy last caller
file and an optional
Grafitti Comment Wall. Creates a plain text
ASCII and a fancy ANSI file.
Sysop can configure how many last calls to show
(1-20). Shows last caller's
node, name, city, and a choice of baud, times
on, or call date.
This demo is fully functional and easy to use! 
Registration only $20.
From Brainex Systems 310-275-2344 /
LP-CBW2L.ZIP 75K 12-19-1996
+-----------[ CyberWall v2.0BL ]-----------+
| Smaller  version  of  the  popular  door |
| CyberWall.   Simple  and  easy  to  use, |
| really  cool ANSi. Not  as many features |
| as  the  full  version,  but  this  is a |
| freeware copy if you don't wanna pay for |
| the   full   version.   Freeware   Copy. |
|        --- LiQUID pRODUCTIoNS ---        |
| MegaStuff BBS % (317) 873-5173 % 8am-5pm |
LWNEWS10.ZIP 42K 03-16-1995
+-+                 +-+
|  -.oO LAWNEWS Oo.-  |
|                     |
|   A revolutionary   |
|  newsreader for all |
| RA systems versions |
|       2 and up      |
|                     |
+-+                 +-+
MBLN301.ZIP 75K 05-06-1997
MoRBiD Linerz 3.01 - A great new one-
liners program! Great look, user can
choose to be anonomous, but sysop
always sees real name. - By CHA0Soft
MGE_ONRA.ZIP 42K 09-23-1995
              _______         ______
  _________  /  _____}_____  /  __  \______
 {____     \/  /\________  \/  / /  /  ____}
. /  /  /  /  {__  \  /_/  /  /_/  /  /__mGE
:/  /  /  /  /__/  / _____/\___   __}__  \95
/  /\_/\__\____/  /\_______   }\_/   ____/:.
MLINE150.ZIP 124K 07-23-1998
MsLinerWall (tm) v1.50 For Most BBS Systems
-=-=-=-=-=-[ Freeware Releases ]-=-=-=-=-=-
This is a cool message wall, use for people
write message to all people which have most
of oneliners functions. Easy Configuration.
Compatible 20+ BBS Softwares: RemoteAccess,
QuickBBS, ProBoard, SuperBBS, TriBBS, WWIV,
PCBoard, Phoenix, Spitfires, Telegard, etc.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ What's News ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
+ Added Multi-Languages : English, Chinese,
  Spanish on Configration and Main Program.
+ Added External Ansi Background Support.
* Speedup when checking drop files.
* Musical Configuration program.
+ Added a Rainbow Color on color selection.
+ Speedup when showing message.
+ Under black messages on showing names.
(c) 1992-1998 Mercury Soft Technology, Inc.
MMESS10B.ZIP 102K 07-19-1995
*| Mystic Messages Version 1.0b By Mike Snyder
*| A "Graffiti Wall" for your BBS that can    
*| maintain 1000 ongoing conversation, have   
*| other "walls" put in (sort of like IGM's)  
*| and LOTS more!  From the author of Lunatix.
MMM-SET1.ZIP 5K 05-12-1995
 A set of 4 extra MMM Ansi's for Mystic
MTAC_102.ZIP 43K 11-25-1994
MTAC v1.02 - Message To All Callers Door.
MTAC_103.ZIP 42K 05-17-1995
|#| MTAC v1.03             |#|
|#| Message To All Callers |#|
|#| .EXE Update from v1.02 |#|
|#| Now Uses ONLY DOOR.SYS |#|
|#| Alias Usage, Emotion   |#|
|#| Definition, Emotion    |#|
|#| Randomization, Pick An |#|
|#| Alias, Pick Borders,   |#|
|#| Pick Colors and More!! |#|
|#|                        |#|
|#| From S&G Software      |#|
MTNC_200.ZIP 37K 08-01-1991
Message to Next Caller door
ND-UWALL.ZIP 23K 10-18-1997
    \:::    . _____ ____ ____ .____/_____
    /::  . |     /:: . ____ __ ___._____/
   /:: .   |  .  \:.  _____|:::    .  \
  /______________/:      . \::  .  |   \
__ _________\______________/: |   .|    \_
\________ ____________________|____|_____/
  demonic bbs productions 1997 presents:
              %  uNF wALL  %
  a totally original new 'wall' type door
 _____________ by natedogg _______________
NEWSC9C.ZIP 52K 02-16-1995
|           NEWSCAST V1.9c            |
|   Create colourful NEWS.A?? files   |
|   for RemoteAccess BBS's quickly    |
|   and simply from a plain text      |
|   file with this program. Fully     |
|   configurable                      |
|    * UK BBS support available *     |
|      * Author Colin Birch *         |
|      Sysop The Dog House BBS        |
|       (01443) 400327 24hrs          |
|    Latest files - 16 Feb 1995       |
NEXT101.ZIP 67K 03-05-1994
|Next 1.01,   The Bug-Fix version,   |
|This door has many features like :  |
|                                    |
|- Writing message to Next user      |
|- Writing message to Next user      |
|- Writing message to another node   |
|- View if there are another node's  |
|- Writing message to another node   |
|- Self definable ANSI               |
|- Writing message to sysop's printer|
|Also the user can yell you,         |
|he can download the next-user msg.  |
NLINEZ13.ZIP 22K 12-28-1996
 -   -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.3 ]-/\/-   -
  THe BeSt OnE-LiNeRs DooR FoR TeleGard
  And Any (DOOR.SYS) Compatible System.
 Features Light-Bars, 5 User Selectable  
   or Random Color Schemes, and More!
 Req: Fossil Driver, Door.Sys Compatible
    [FreeWare From NiTe ProDucTionS]
              [By: WoLFy] 
  -   -/\/-[ ReLeAsE InFo ]-\/\-    -
    Support For TeleGard 3.02 Style
             Color Codes!
      Room For 1 More NiTe LiNeR
 -   -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.3 ]-/\/-   -
NSANEWAL.ZIP 62K 07-21-1995
    ¯} Wall of Insanity {®
  ¯} by ShEhkTEch Software {®
 Guaranteed to be one of the 
 best walls programmed. Fully 
 sysop configurable, 21 random
 screens, color input prompts,
 anonymous options, replace,
 delete, insert commands with 
 external tagline help.
 Unregistered Version is very 
NSW152R2.ZIP 90K 08-17-1996
|#|  Wall of Insanity v1.52.2  |#|
|#|  [* ShehkTech Software *]  |#|
|#| The COOLEST graffiti wall  |#|
|#|     program available!!    |#|
|#| Tons of options for almost |#|
|#|  unlimited configuration   |#|
|#|  possibilities.  Supports  |#|
|#|  random background ANSi's. |#|
|#| Sysop features include the |#|
|#| ability to copy, move, and |#|
|#| erase messages off of the  |#|
|#| wall.  Nearly all prompts  |#|
|#|     are configurable.      |#|
|#|  Registration is only $6!  |#|
NTSFW303.ZIP 180K 03-23-1998
FireWall v3.o3       NeoTeksoft (c) 1997,98
Program and Design by :  Frank Yi Feng Chen
==---( *FINAL* )-------------------------==
Looking for a Wall With Style? Here is one:
A 222 Line OneLine With 10 Color Shading FX
Plus 10 Shading Colors As Your Users Please
Multi-Node Fully Fontional, AND Y2K-READY!!
==-------------------------( *FINAL* )---==
OL-113.ZIP 60K 09-01-1996
One Liner is a FREEWARE BBS door that
allows your users to leave one-line
messages.  Perfect for placement is
menus as auto-execute entries (eg. can
be run from TOP.MNU on some systems).
Sysop may define the number of One
Liners that will be maintained.  An
editor makes for easy configuration.
OLG-V12.ZIP 132K 10-28-1995
On Line Graffiti v1.20 Minor update. Supports
nearly all the major BBS drop files. SysOp 
configurable. Fast and simple to setup. A 
full-featured graffiti or one-liners door 
that allows users to list their favorite 
sayings or quotes. SysOps may limit the 
number of days that listings are to remain 
active in the database. Users have the 
ability to kill or update the listings they 
originally entered.
OL_113.ZIP 60K 09-01-1996
One Liner is a FREEWARE BBS door that
allows your users to leave one-line
messages.  Perfect for placement is
menus as auto-execute entries (eg. can
be run from TOP.MNU on some systems).
Sysop may define the number of One
Liners that will be maintained.  An
editor makes for easy configuration.
ONE100JK.ZIP 79K 11-18-1994
Features: use your own ANSIs,  log file
including users name, GERMAN & ENGLISH,
change the color using the cursor keys,
lock out users,  censor  file,  macros,
cool colors, easy installation program!
ONEDUCK.ZIP 16K 11-18-1996
     ++ ++ ++   |  * ++ ++ ++
+--+ || || +  - |  | || +  |+ +--+
|  +-||-||-||---|--|-||-||-||-+  |
|    || || ||   |  | || || ||    |
|    ++ ++ ++   ++ + ++ ++  +    |
|   CoDED By THe CRE/+ToR '96    |
|This ONELiNER is not just a one-|
|liner. It has some nice Func-   |
|tions like :                    |
|* History                       |
|* Who Wrote What                |
|* Write Line with Alias         |
|* Etc. Etc.                     |
|Duck-Productions '96            |
ONELIN1B.ZIP 54K 09-23-1993
Add a random ONE LINER to your BBS at log-on
ONELIN40.ZIP 27K 06-06-1994
Oneliner version 4.0 Written Odie..  
Uses Door.sys, run it when someone logs on 
to your BBS.  New and improved.
ONELINE1.ZIP 41K 05-12-1995
The One Liner v1.0
A neat little One Liner door for your
BBS!  Comes with an Editor for the lines and
works with any systems that can produce
DOOR.SYS!  Written by Brainy - RPS
ONELN1_0.ZIP 85K 06-10-1996
|          ONELINE V1.0             |
|  Oneline comment wall. Let your   |
|  callers leave oneline messages   |
|  to the next caller.              |
|                                   |
|   * UK BBS support available *    |
|     * Author Colin Birch *        |
|   Latest files - 10 June 1996     |
ONELPR25.ZIP 29K 07-17-1994
|+--+ +--+ +--+ +    -+- +--+ +--+ +--+|
||  | |  | +-   |     |  |  | +-   +-++|
|+--+ +  + +--+ +--+ -+- +  + +--+ + + |
|            +--+ +--+ +--+            |
|            +--+ +-++ |  |            |
|            +    + +  +--+            |
|      Oneliner Proffesional 2.50      |
|  ----------------------------------  |
|                                      |
| OneLiner Pro Is a Oneliner Door For  |
| RemoteAccess 2.xx, It is the Best    |
| Ever written, Full with features,    |
|                                      |
|        Oneliner Pro Support:         |
|  Desqview + MultiLine + Ansi/Avatar  |
ONEP100.ZIP 31K 01-17-1997
      xxxx-  . | x -.   xx-
      |# =#* -## |###* |# |*
+-----|#==#x |# ||||#- ## xx-----+
|     ##x*|# ## ##||#| |###|     |
|     -====  ==  #*=== -===      |
+} Renegade Oneliners - Pro 1.00{+
+}   The BEST Oneliners In The  {+
+} Business.  Check Em Out!!!!! {+
+} Copyright 96 BMC Productions {+
ONEV120E.ZIP 103K 10-29-1995
  _________  ______ .____  _______
 /_____    \ |     \|  _/ /  ____/
 /   _/     \|   \  \  |_/  __}/\
|          / |    \    |\__ | /  \
 \________/  |    |\___|   \______\
  *-OnELinER-v1.20-By--[DR iCE]-*

ONLIN300.ZIP 134K 04-21-1997
$$$"'  `"$$' `^$$'`$'`$$"'  `"$$' `^$$'"$$
$$' ,s.   $    `$  $.,$'       $    `$  $$
$$  $$$$  $  .  `  $$$$  ,s.   $  .  `  $$
$$  `$$'  $  $s    $'`$  $$$$  $  $s    $$
$$.      ,$  $$$.  $  $. `$$' ,$  $$$.  $$
$$$.    ,$$.,$$$$.,$.,$$.    ,$$.,$$$$.,$$
$$-[oNLIN - bRAND nEW rEVAMPED!]-[3.00]-$$
$$ oNIONLINERz iS bACK wITH nEW aNSI,.. $$
$$ sET iN oNLINCFG fOR eASE............ $$
$$  Ra [x]       DoS [.]      aNSi [x]  $$
$$s.                                  ,s$$
`^Y$$$|    STaRTeD LiFe aT [tPb]   |$$$Y^'
OV-1LINR.ZIP 57K 09-17-1996
1Liners for Renegade v0.03B
CoDED By OVRlord!DoRE (c) 1996
With Auto Install capability, a plus for you
lazy asses. {g}
PBMSG103.ZIP 65K 08-14-1992
    RaNext v1.03/Public Release.
The Multi Message To Next User Door.
PLINE046.ZIP 48K 01-01-1998
   -= Psych0Liner oneliner v.46 =-
Full featured oneliner for everyone.
Multinode, powerful language file, MCI
codes, easy to use, freeware, and more.
Released: 5/1/96.  MAJOR BUG FIXES.
POL100.ZIP 91K 05-22-1995
| +-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-+ |
| + P ++ i ++ R ++ A ++ n ++ H ++ A + |
| +-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-++-+-+ |
|                                     |
|     Piranha Oneliners  VER. 1.0     |
|     with killer special effects     |
|     Supporting all BBS software     |
|                                     |

POW_WA10.ZIP 14K 11-10-1995
   +---+        +      |
   |   |        |      |
 +-----+ -----+ |  ++  |
   +     +----+ +--++--+
  ----   presents   ----
|      PoW-WALL V1.0B     |
|        for RA2.0x       |
|   Eine OneLiner Wall    |
|+ bis zu 500 Zeilen      |
|  (scrollen)             |
|+ Lightbar gesteuert     |
|+ 15 Top-User            |
|+ Realname/Handle switch |
|+ der Key ist *gratis*   |
+---                   ---+
PRAY101.ZIP 27K 02-22-1996
Christian one-liner that allows your users to
leave prayer requests. Also, allows them to
download the prayer list for future
reference. Works with practically any BBS
software. FREEWARE!!!
PRLST122.ZIP 45K 06-11-1992
ProLast 1.22 - Door That Will Allow Your
Users To Leave A Message To The Next
Caller To Your BBS.  Allows Configurable
SysOp Report File, ANSI, ASCII, PCB @X
Macros.  Can Be Used With PCBoard Security
Files Or Any Other File You Wish.  Now
Supports PCBoard/ProDoor & SpitFire Fully !!!
ShareWare From Greg Parsons
PRP!TLNR.ZIP 28K 07-30-1997
    \:::    . _____ ____ ____ .____/_____
    /::  . |     /:: . ____ __ ___._____/
   /:: .   |  .  \:.  _____|:::    .  \
  /______________/:      . \::  .  |   \
__ _________\______________/: |   .|    \_
\________ ____________________|____|_____/
  tliners [oneliners] (w/pascal source!)
PSHOT102.ZIP 53K 08-01-1995
Parting Shots is a door that allows
users to leave a message for the next 7
callers.  They can leave it in color if
they wish using LORD style color codes.
Uses the same registration key as
Socrates' Shop.  Shareware from
PUB2_2-3.ZIP 41K 10-10-1995
ThePub ][ v2.2 OneLiners - MOST DROPFILES
READ WHATS.NEW!!  SysOp Utilities!!!
Lock out bad callers/Disable BadWords 
Lock out Security levels. Reg. $7.50 
CTRL L (Clearscreen)/G (Beep) Disabled
Highly configurable & colorful!
PWALL10.ZIP 73K 02-24-1997
PSYCHO WALL v1.0 Graffitti Door for RA
For all versions of RA.  Enter your wisdom
online!  Search entries by date, author,
or text.  Works with any DOOR.SYS or
DORINFOx.DEF creating BBS.  Shareware, $5
QRT-PL10.ZIP 61K 03-21-1998
##   x  #### ####  #### =###xx  #=
 x =    xx                xx     x#
##        PUKE LINER 1.00       x ##
##                                ##
##   * LINER WITH BUILD IN        ##
##     GRAFFITI WALL              ##
##   * ANIMATED CURSOR             #
x    * 3 NICE ANSIS INCLUDED       x
x    * TOP WRITER STATS            x
##   * CODED BY ACE SCREAMER      ##
##                                ##
=#xxx xx* QUARANTINE 1997 *xxxxxxx#=
Q_NOTE20.ZIP 8K 06-07-1995
--Quick Note-- Another "Note to All Users"
A *very* elaborate Q-A setup for RemoteAccess
This Setup requires NO external ANSI screens.
The only external program used is a BATch file
that uses the DOS copy command. This is a VERY
elaborate setup for the professional RA SysOp.
RAFLNR01.ZIP 64K 12-10-1995
|      Remote Access Force        |
|            Presents!            |
|          RAF-LINER v0.1         |
| Coder : Serialkiller            |
| Bytes : 60k                     |
| What  : A Lightbar driven liner |
|         for ra with colors and  |
|         macros.                 |
| new   :                         |
| remembers states balk           |
RAGRW200.ZIP 139K 11-29-1995
-==[RemoteAccess Ultra-Graffiti Wall]==- v2.00
By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
A graffiti wall that will allow people to
anonymously write messages, but the user's
messages and the name of the user are
posted to a logfile.  This is a complete
re-write of v1.01 because the code was
lost to a hard drive crash.  If ANY
features are left out that you would like
to see, feel free to let me know!
RULEZ10.ZIP 23K 09-14-1995
Rulez 1.0 - The message-to-the-other-users
add-another-line comment-to-the-next-dude
door that _RULEZ_! Completely configurable
for your own taste, various samples
included. RemoteAccess 2 only.
RVNTS100.ZIP 170K 03-01-1998
The Rev's Useless Bunch of Online Notes!
Version 1.00 FINAL RELEASE! New ansi's, etc!
This door is for USERS (not the pesky sysops)
to write a note to the next caller!
It supports virtually all drop files!
SCRL425A.ZIP 127K 06-19-1996
||#||     Scrawl! Version 4.25a     ||#||
 Scrawl! is Mikerosoft Productions'  on-+
 line grafitti door,  featuring  message+
 writing,  reading,  keyword  searching,+
 aliases, news,  InterBBS echomail-style+
 messaging,  and more!  Compatible  with+
 RemoteAccess and any other DORINFOx.DEF
 or DOOR.SYS BBS systems.         [SB96]+
SEWALL29.ZIP 91K 05-06-1999
See-Wall 2.9
Very simplified grafitti
wall program for those tired
of endless pauses and
registration delays.
Supports LORD style color codes
{{{{ FREEWARE }}}}
Released 04/16/1999
SFPOST20.ZIP 29K 01-16-1996
+-----------+-[SF-POST  v2.0]-+-----------+
|           +-----------------+           |
| SF-Post is a logon autopost program for |
| use with ANY BBS software!  It has been |
| designed to allow a user to enter up to |
| a 3 line message for all callers to see |
| at logon.  Very EASY to setup! Supports |
| ANSI/ASCII callers.  This is a MUST for |
| ALL SysOps!   MAJOR UPDATE!       01/96 |
|                                         |
| (C) 1996 Brian Leiter       *SHAREWARE* |
SLINE200.ZIP 159K 11-04-1994
SuperLine v2.00 - A small door program that
allows users to post one-line messages that
may be read by others at logon. Supports
Wildcat 3.x, RA 1.x, 2.x, QuickBBS 2.7x,
2.8x, SuperBBS 1.1x, ProBoard 1.x, 2.x and
many others. Now includes a menu driven
configuration program with mouse support and
word filter.
SLINE250.ZIP 238K 10-07-1995
          SuperLine v2.50
A small door program that allows users
to post one-line messages that may be
read by others at logon. Supports
Wildcat 3.x, 4.x, RA 1.x, 2.x,
QuickBBS 2.7x, 2.8x, SuperBBS 1.1x,
Concord O.O1, ProBoard 1.x, 2.x and
many others. Includes a menu driven
configuration program with mouse
support, word filter, & multitasker
support. Now has BBS message-base
support (HMB, JAM, Squish & *.MSG)
and bulletin generating capabilities.
MUCH INPROVED! Written by Steve Planck
SONE103.ZIP 29K 10-14-1997
Spots BBS Oneliners 1.03
Pottsware by Simeon Potts, 1997
A simple, sophisticated
Oneliners Program.  Ten lines.
Nice ANSI board. 
SPKOUT10.ZIP 52K 07-07-1995
Speak Out!  Anonymous message door.
Find out what your callers *really*
have to say by allowing them to
exercise their right to free speech.
Very popular and easy to use, yet has
many advanced features.  Multinode
support.  Uses DORINFOx.DEF.  Or use
standalone on your LAN.
By California ClipArt
ST0NED.ZIP 7K 01-21-1996
|-++._______/\__ _____,____   -++-|
||+ /        O\ !    /    ¬\    +||
|+ /           \|   /|   |  \    +|
|  \___   ____/     \|   |   \ .  |
| -   /'   |/   |    \        \   |
|   _/     |    :     \_ :     \ -|
|+  \_____,|____!______/_!_____/ +|
| NAME : ST0NED LiNER............ |
| WHAT : 0NELiNER................ |
| C0DED : PURE ASSEMBLER......... |
| AUTH0R : DR BL0W............... |
| SUPP0RT : RA 2.x / 0BLiVi0N.... |
| DESC : FAST!!.. FADiNG C0L0RZ!. |
| CAN BE FULL CUST0MiSED......... |
 |}TXA WHQ - +31 (o)7O - 3254113{|
STN105.ZIP 67K 08-12-1995
|SIMPLY THE NEXT 1.05  fur RA 2.0x    |
|*Die moderne Messi-2-Next Caller Door|
| -Top-Writer-Stats                   |
| -2 Mega-Fonts !!                    |
| -User konnen die letzten 16         |
|  Nachrichten lesen                  |
|                                     |
|*Sysop-Konfigurierbar:               |
| -GroBe und Position der Textfenster |
|                                     |
|*User-Konfigurierbar:                |
| -Personliche Visitenkarte           |
| -Farben/Titel der Nachricht         |
|                                     |
|*In 5 Minuten installiert !          |

SWALL2.ZIP 106K 04-20-1998
Mystical Software's SIMPLEWALL
SWALLV18.ZIP 46K 02-21-2000
|       The School Wall v1.8 Final          |
|     Excellent multinode wall door.        |
|      Users can select text color,         |
|     and use high ASCII characters.        |
| Sysop functions included.Badwords.txt     |
|All Sysops who run or are looking to run   |
| a graffiti wall or oneliner door will     |
|      want to check this one out!          |
|  Written by BC Software Glenn Sutton      |
TF-OL050.ZIP 29K 11-20-1994
 xxxxx xx     x  xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx
 ### # ## x bbxx ===xx ### # #x=== # ###
 === # ##x#x# ## ###x# === # #x### #x###
              f i s h i e s
        O n e l i n e   v 0 . 5 0
            BBS Oneliner Door
TGD210.ZIP 155K 08-25-1994
** The Graffiti Door - Version 2.10  **
Supports RIPscrip Graphics on both the user
user AND Sysop Side!  Concurrent Multi-Node
Support; Fossil, Uart (including Fifo's), &
DigiBoard support.  Also supports locked
bps rates, hrdwre flow control, & non-
standard ports.  Works as regular door OR 
login door.  Comes with an editor, setup
program, & sysop chat. Only $10!
Released 11-26-93 by T.E. Morgan - 1:301/3
The One Liner v1.0 A neat little One Liner door for your BBS! Comes with an Editor for the lines and works with any systems that can produce DOOR.SYS! Written by Brainy - RPS 27K 04-02-1994
RemoteAccess OneLiner Door
TMTNC32.ZIP 111K 11-27-1998
TMTNC v3.1 Release
Tmtnc is a Message to next caller
door with many features.
Users are allowed to upload their
messages or write manually with
the build-in full-Screen editor.
TMTNC can run on almost every
bbs systems wich supports the
User-Dropfile .
Tmtnc has tha abbillity to
use own-style menu system .
And many more features .

Cheap registration .
TNYWAL20.ZIP 48K 05-29-1998
Tiny's Wall of Babble 2.0
**Freeware** May 29 1998
The Best Wall door around.
Very Popular with your users!
DOS and OS/2 Versions, with 
both Pipe and LORD Colour Codes.
TOILET10.ZIP 73K 07-29-1995
     ++++ TOILET STALL ++++
A grafitti wall door with a twist!
All posts are displayed in the 
bowl of a toilet...when you select 
the next post, the previous one is
flushed! Multi-node operation,
non-standard com ports, no FOSSIL
required, sysop paging, MUCH more.
   }} Registration only $5! {{
TPCLINER.ZIP 29K 03-15-1995
 -- TPC LINER V. 1.0!! --
|   | | |   +-+  +  |     |
|   | | |   ++|  |  | |   |
++ ++ ++++  ++|  |  | |   |
 | || || |  +-+  |  |     |
TPC Liner Pro is an One-Liner
program for RemoteAccess 2.xx
TRIRUM14.ZIP 35K 05-23-1995
          --=*}WBS Presents{*=--
TriRumors v1.4   OneLiners door program
supporting almost any bbs.  Great 
graphics!  Full logging of what the user
enters.  Added Random Headers in this   
release!  New Reg. routines as well!!!!!!
ShareWare $5
TROCK_10.ZIP 79K 12-29-1994
|             The Rock v1.0             |##
|     (c) `94' By: Nicholas Harbour     |##
|                                       |##
|   A New style of grafitti wall with   |##
|ANSI graphics like you'd never belive! |##
|each Quote or "Carving" is displayed in|##
|a random color overtop of picture of a |##
|rock to give the feel of Spray Painting|##
|  Supports almost all drop files I know|##
|  PCBOARD.SYS, and even DOBBS.BAT for  |##
|Front Door to load before it loads the |##
|BBS!   Reg Fee.  US $8  Can 10$        |##
TS-MARMA.ZIP 90K 10-23-1998
+----- ..oo0 TRiNiTY 0oo.. -----+
|                               |
|    MaRMaLiNeRS oNe LiNeRS     |
|   PRoGRaM FoR aNY DooR.SYS    |
|  BBS. CaN HaNDLe CoLoR CoDeS  |
|  aNSi, 19 LiNeS oF oNeLiNeRS  |
| NoT CRiPPLeD iN aNY WaY. HaS  |
|   15 DiFFeReNT CoLoR CoDeS    |
|  PLeaSe ReaD ReaDMe.1ST!!!    |
|                               |
+---- ..oo0 FReeWaRe 0oo.. -----+
TSI-WL10.ZIP 49K 06-09-1997
+   .d                      d$$b
  .d$$                      ?$$P
  $$$$bm.       .d$$$$$b.     .d
  $$$$$$$b     d$$PO        .d$$
  $$$$         ?$$$$b.    .d$$$$
  $$$$.  d$$P    O?$$$$b    $$$$
 / O$$$$$POtsiO?$$$$$$PO  d$$$$$$b\
+  p   r   e   s    e   n   t   s  +
| -------------------------------- |
|           WALL v1.0              |
|                                  |
|  A very nice wall door for any   |
|  BBS system that can generate    |
|         EXITINFO.BBS.            |
| Save with handle/name/anonymous  |
|  Change colour with upkey/dnkey  |
|    Use your own ansi, control    |
|          eVeRyTHiNG{tm}          |
|                                  |
| -------------------------------- |
| keywords: ONELINER               |
+ -------------------------------- +
TWALL23.ZIP 86K 11-01-1997
The Graphitti Wall v2.2
TWALL43.ZIP 127K 04-25-1996
| +++ + + +-+   + + +-+ +   +   |  v4.3  |
|  |  +-+ +-    |+| +-+ |   |   |coded by|
|  +  + + +-+   +++ + + +-+ +-+ | wolfie |
| THE WALL is a bbs door program, a com- |
| ment door. There a two types of walls: |
| (1) classic wall with many colors  and |
| (2) a wall with elite design and  fade |
| effects.  This  program  is  FREEWARE. |
| Works with nearly all BBS-Programs but |
| ANSI is required. German & English doc |
TWALL60.ZIP 25K 04-04-1997
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*          Version 6.0                *
*     A Great Grafitti Wall Door.     *
*  Very configurable, easy to setup.  *
*  User friendly, Auto-maintenance.   *
* New Screens, 5 Lines and NOW with   *
* SCROLL BACK for viewing older lines *
*      (C)1997 F.U.S.S. Software      *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
TWT-ON14.ZIP 13K 08-25-1996
===========( CODER SECTION )============
              linerz v1.4
kewl looking onelinerz. including who
wrote function.
             code by volar
TWT_ON14.ZIP 14K 08-25-1996
yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
$$""  $$ y $b`ýý'$$"ýý $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
ý$y$$ ý$y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ ý$y$$ ý$y$$ ý$y$$
===========( CODER SECTION )============
              linerz v1.4
kewl looking onelinerz. including who
wrote function.
             code by volar
ULT_LINE.ZIP 42K 08-10-1997
#       xx    xx  xx     xxxx         #
#       ##    ##  ##   x# ## #x       #
#       ##    ##  ##  |#| ## |#|      #
#     x ## xx ##x ## xxxx ## xxx      #
#     # ## ## ### ## #### ## ###      #
#     # == ## ==# == #### == ###      #
#     = ## == ##= ## ==== ## ===      #
#       |#|  |#|  ##      ##          #
#        =#xx#=   ##      ##          #
#          ==     ======= ==          #
# *---------------------------------* #
#     Color lines one liner door      #
#      For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx      #
# *---------------------------------* #
#   Another release from Ultradoors   #
#  BY: The Driller DaTe on 10/08/97   #
WALL.ZIP 32K 05-25-1996
Anonymous Graffiti wall **FREEWARE** by
Daniel Edwards
WALL101.ZIP 69K 11-26-1996
THE WALL v1.01! -*- NOW SysOps have a
way to get a response out of their
gaming, file sponging users!  AUTOMATIC
install for Maximus-CBCS SysOps, EASY
install for anyone else!  EXTENSIVE
SysOp features include a profanity
filter, automatic purging of old
messages, and MORE!  Updated version.
WALL16.ZIP 15K 04-01-1991
The Wall v1.6a  (C) 1990, 1991,  G. H. Gillis
WALL2.ZIP 41K 05-16-1997
The Wall!  (c) 1997 enigma
A small door for you users to leave little
one-line messages. Easy Setup! Includes
both DOS and OS/2 Executibles
WALL20.ZIP 24K 11-28-1997
 #    ####=#   #### #   ####=#   #
 #    ####x#   #### #   #### #   #
 #    #### #   #### #   ####     #
 #    #### #   ####== # ####     #
 #    #### # * #### * #x####     #
 #                               #
 #      The A.Y.S Wall 2.0       #
 #         (FreeWare)            #
 #                               #
 #        A Nice OnLiner         #
 #      Now With Pipe Codes      #
 #                               #
 #     Made By RatMan^A.Y.S      #
WALL201.ZIP 43K 01-22-1992
The Wall  - v2.01 - Compiled on Jan 23, 1992
***  Another Greate Vampyre Bar! BBS Door ***
The Grafitti Wall is a fun utility for _ANY_
BBS program! It allows your users to post 
thier own pieces of "wisdom" for all to see
and share...
WALL30.ZIP 73K 05-26-1998
WALL OF WISDOM 3.0   By Jimmy Rose
The Most Colorful and Most Configurable
Wall Writer around! Sysop editor and
configuration utility built in! This
version has many features including full
line editing when entering comments and
Sysop configurable line characters.
Every BBS can have a unique look! This
program is user friendly! Popular BBS door
for TriBBS, Wildcat, RA, Spitfire, Renegade,
PC Board, Gap, and ALL other major BBS's.
Brand new 1998 release! DOS version.
WALL310A.ZIP 50K 06-10-1992
The Wall  - v3.1a - Compiled on Jun 10, 1992
***  Another Greate Vampyre Bar! BBS Door ***
The Grafitti Wall is a fun utility for _ANY_
BBS program! It allows your users to post 
thier own pieces of "wisdom" for all to see
and share...
WALL35.ZIP 42K 09-08-1994
The Graffiti Wall v3.5 (C) Copyright 1994.
A Tronix Developer's production by CJ aka
Charles Sperber ...

The Graffiti Wall v3.5 is a freeware production
by Tronix Developers.
This onliner is compatible with several BBS
types and serves as an
entertaining method of writing anonymous
comments to other users of your
system. Download me, I'm freeware!
WALL522.ZIP 25K 02-09-1997
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*          Version 5.2.2              *
*     A Great Grafitti Wall Door.     *
*  Very configurable, easy to setup.  *
*  User friendly, Auto-maintenance.   *
* Support for most door drop formats. *
*  (C)1997 F.U.S.S. Software          *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
WALLSRC.ZIP 140K 09-23-1998
The Wall 4.3 by Wolfie BASIC source code
WI!LC101.ZIP 39K 03-11-1996
 -----+-[Wizard presents]-+-----
| +||+                    +||+ |
+--|+  LASTCALLER  V1.01   +|--+
  ||                        ||
  ||   A LASTCALLER WITH    ||
  ||                        ||
  ||   CEWL ANSI DESIGN &   ||
  ||                        ||
  ||    DEFINE YOUR OWN     ||
  ||      ANSI LAYOUT       ||
  ||                        ||
+--|+ Codes by Alex Bruch  +|--+
| +||+   & Daniel Diehl   +||+ |
WKLINERZ.ZIP 11K 07-14-1995
  |   x#===x =##x  #=    ##     |
  |   ==##x   ###x #    |##|    |
  |      =##  # ##x#    #x##    |
  |  x=   ##  #  ###   || |#|   |
  |   =xx#=  x#   ##  x#x x##x  |
  +- ----- ---- -  -  -  -  --  +
  |           PRESENTS          |
  | --- ---- -  - --    - -   - |
  | -== DA WICKED LINERZ!!! ==- |
  |  ---- ----- ----  --- - - - |
+-+- --- -  - ---- ---- --- - - +-+
+--- --+-==             ==-+- -- -+
       +-- ------ - -- - --+
WORDWAL4.ZIP 83K 08-19-1995
A door that allows users to veiw
22 one-liners and add add a one of 
their own. Ver 2.0. From Paragon

WW103B.ZIP 58K 12-04-1996
Wacky Wall Graffiti Wall v1.02b!
A GREAT graffiti wall door
allowing users to fully colorize
their messages. Powerful SysOp
options, easy to install and use.
Please try this program and
distribute it EVERYWHERE!!
XPOST10.ZIP 79K 01-19-1996
      ExPost Version 1.0
     Freeware from ExSoft
  If you've been looking for
  a good autoposter for your
BBS this is the program to get.
        Even has color!
XWALL.ZIP 58K 01-26-1998
    eXtreme Wall!
Your basic One-liner,
great for log-off and
log-on! Easy set-up,
100% configurable!!!
  By David Hudson
_10WALL.ZIP 37K 03-02-1995
Another Brick In The Wall v1.0 - Excellent
new graffiti wall door packed with features.
Users can select text color, background
color, random color, flashing text, and use
high ASCII characters.  Sysop functions
include profanity filter, size control,
truncation, deletion, a reprimand feature
to warn troublesome users, and more!  All
Sysops who run or are looking to run a
graffiti wall or oneliner door will want to
check this out.  Only $5 to register!

The BBS Xchange
Member of the BBS Xchange

All files are provided 0as is0. By downloading these files you agree to use them at your own risk.
Click here to read the full disclaimer

This list was generated with EleBBS/Win32 by Maarten Bekers
HTML design layout by Niels Schoot and Mike Ehlert
Maintained by Mike Ehlert