RA files.bbs util & Doors
ACF560R0.ZIP 405K 11-13-1992
AcFiles 5.60 release version.
AcFiles is a files.bbs file door with
Lightbar file-tagging, and several
other user freindly features. For
RemoteAccess, QuickBBS, ProBoard, and
SuperBBS systems.
ADDC_20.ZIP 23K 11-18-1995
| |\/|   |      //       +         |
| |unich |ndep. \oftware |reations |
| |      +     //        +      to |
|     ADDCOMM II, Version 2.0      |
|     *=-=*=-=*=--=*=-=*=--=*      |
| Generates INFO-Files about the   |
| download, using FileDoor (TM).   |
| Supporting Long-Description,     |
| Tag-File-Resetting (no more FD-  |
| Hangups) & KeWl Fileinformation. |
| Completely Multi-Node compatible |
| and individual configurable.     |
| Best feature: User can (opt.)    |
| see what AC's doing, full AnZi!  |
| GERMAN and ENGLISH version incl. |
|  --}   FREEWARE! TEST IT!   {--  |
ADIT10B2.ZIP 47K 05-17-1997
AdoptIt for ProBoard v1.0 beta
Adopts files into ProBoard's

Companion program for DizIt.
 Another release from CBWare!
ADOPT100.ZIP 22K 09-15-1994
users painlessly "adopt orphan" files (files
that have no description) & remove "MISSING"
files (Descriptions that have no files)
ALT_110.ZIP 61K 06-24-1994
ALLIST v1.10;  The Ultimate  files-base  tool
FILES.BBS format  files-base.  Add headers to
each  FILES.BBS  using   template  variables.
locate orphan and  missing files.  many other
options to manage the filebase are available.
full flexibility, fast and easy.  [Shareware]
             *   *   *   *   *
Copyright(c) 1994 Spirit Software Engineering
ANUFI20.ZIP 31K 05-23-1993
A FILES.BBS File Manager for RemoteAccess
or ProBoard (using Simu).  Spanish Docs.
APFILE1.ZIP 34K 07-21-1992
---------  ByteMe! Utilities -----------------
AP-FILE v1b,    A  files.bbs  utility  for
appending  inbound  files  list to  scanned
area's list  and  creating  zero  byte file
list (files.bbs) in inbound. Can optionally
convert the extensions to a default extension.
ASORT100.ZIP 40K 01-01-1990
AlfaSort v1.00B
Files.BBS Sorting Utility for QuickBBS,
RemoteAccess, ProBoard, and SuperBBS.
BBSCK101.ZIP 27K 01-29-1995
          ===##x  x###x #| ##=
.--------- #| =## #=  # #| ## -------------.
| ANOthEr  #|xx#= #   # ##|##   [r]EALM    |
| RELeaSe  #|  ## #x  # #| ##   [o]F       |
| FROm Da  #|  ## =###= #| ##   [h]EAVEN   |
|------------- =#x -------- == ------------|
|                                          |
| ."BBSCK101 is a Util Which Is the only   |
|   Thing A Sysop Wants on His board !!    |
|   It adds file_id.diz from zip, arj etc  |
|   and put them into FILES.BBS. It also   |
|   sorts FILES.BBS and is incredible FAST |
|   and whats best of all its FREEWARE !!! |
|   This is an update and a couple of Bugs |
|   Have Been Fixed.. That's all..         |
|                                          |
BBSFM120.ZIP 134K 02-08-1995
The BBS File Manager (ver 1.20) - View, move
and edit descriptions of all your BBS's
files from a single powerful screen.  Very
fast and easy to use with pop-up windows.
Works with any BBS that uses FILES.BBS fmt.
MANY more features!
BBSSORT.ZIP 43K 05-29-1998
Files.BBS Sort (BBS SORT)
Ver 2.31 Beta ShareWare. by Lev Zabudkin
for sorting and formatting file FILES.BBS.
handles to to 3300 files in each FILES.BBS
Old files are renamed to FILES.BAK
This version is only for Standard FILES.BBS
If you use Enhanced FILES.BBS (with date
and kbytes included) then use EBBSSORT.ZIP
BLSTBBS.ZIP 708K 09-24-1997
Speed BBS filelist builder (DOS.OS/2-NT)
DOS.DPMI.OS/2-NT version.
Support OS/2 & Windows95 longnames.
Must work on freq only station.
File manager inside (remane/copy/delete).
Make announce new files in PKT file.
Support DIZ file import.
Support HTML out.
Support fullpath in files.bbs.
Support serach new files.
ClipArt areas mask (40 examples).
Auto search new areas.
True sort filename in files.bbs.
Delete not exist filenames from
Update text areas config for other
   BBS software.
Support Seal, RemoteAccess, Maximus,
   SuperBBS,T-Fix, AllFix 4.3x,
   AllFix for OS/2 1.0, PCBoard, NEF.
Inside PKT2UUE/CRK extractor.
CD2HD101.ZIP 29K 08-11-1995
           CD2HD v1.01
CD2HD converts FILES.BBS in CD-format 
to HD-format and is intended for use 
with ProBoard but might work for other

Copyright 1995 by PokerDot Development.
Partial copyright by Madness BBS.
   --}}  +31 (0) 4929 - 63989 {{--
CHEKV103.ZIP 21K 02-28-1994
This application is designed to 
assist BBS operators in the  
management of their "FILES.BBS"
file. It is currently in several 
stages of upgrades. 
Registration $10.00

CHFILES8.ZIP 21K 03-27-1994
CheckFiles v1.0 -
This utility is designed to
help bbs sysops maintain
the FILES.BBS file listing.
Its very configurable.
Registration just $1.

CHK4D1B7.ZIP 25K 12-05-1994
CHK4DES v1.00B7 - insures file descriptions!
Checks your PCBoard or other BBS file lists
for descriptions.  Removes all "Description
not found" or blank description file names
from file lists created by DIZ extractors.
Optionally executes a batch file with each
file name that has a description, such as
moving the parent file to another directory.
CNTALL10.ZIP 19K 03-03-1993
Countall is a universal Download Counter for
ALL files.bbs style BBS's.
CPYB2100.ZIP 38K 08-31-1997
CopyBbs 1.00 OS/2

To Copy/Move files with FILES.BBS

Uses the .LONGNAME EA to preserve long
names on FAT.

Existing files are properly overwritten
or skipped.

Useful for storing long names on
floppies or removable FAT disks.

CR110PDA.ZIP 112K 06-14-1995
| #########    CrazyList: v1.10   ######### |
|       A filelist generator program.       |
+-----------+ F-e-a-t-u-r-e-s +-------------+
| * Support for all files.bbs systems.      |
|   Import from RA1x, PB2x, SBBS, Lora, TFA |
| } New: Concord gamma-1 & gamma-2          |
| * Possibility to generate total/new list, |
|   areas summary, FD frequest file...      |
| * Possibility to add summary file to total|
|   list automathically.                    |
| * Possibility to add header/footer file   |
|   to total/new list.                      |
| * Support headers/notes area per area!    |
| * Support for extended descriptions!      |
| * All messages fully configurable!        |
| * Three date formats for lists!           |
| * Files.bbs functions!                    |
|    =} Converting uppercase/lowercase      |
|    =} Stripping extended description char |
| * Possibility to pack internally the      |
|   created lists with more parameters,     |
|   with two different packers for          |
|   total/new list. Support for             |
|   PAK, ARJ, ZIP, SQZ, LHA, UC2 & RAR.     |
| * Low registration price!!                |
|}}Copyright by Fausto Iannuzzi 1993-95(C){{|
DIR2FILE.ZIP 8K 05-22-1991
By Massimo Gentilini, FidoNet 2:332/401
This small utility creates a file list
from a directory for all BBS programs
that uses the FILES.BBS approach. It
also adds the resolution of GIF files
to the description automaticly.
DIRB2100.ZIP 35K 08-31-1997
DirBbs 1.00 OS/2

To Show directories of files with their
FILES.BBS description.

Looks for the .LONGNAME EA to report
long names on FAT.

Useful for checking long names of files
saved on floppies or removable FAT disks
(if they were copied with a program that
preserves long names in the .LONGNAME
extended attribute).

DIZ-355R.ZIP 16K 06-18-1996
Dizzer is a utility to help you manage
your FILES.BBS format file listings as
used with Proboad and other BBS
software.  This program will make a
FILES.BBS from scratch then add file
descriptions extracted from the files
found in the current directory to it
as required, it will also remove missing
files from FILES.BBS then sort in a user
definable order.  Dizzer currently
supports ARJ ZIP and RAR. This is version
3.55.R, dated 18/06/1996.
From Rick Wakefield 2:442/621@fidonet
DIZCRIPT.ZIP 12K 03-14-1993
|       DiZcription V0.02B        |
| DiZcription is a program made   |
| especially for SysOps who are   |
| using RA or SBBS. It will       |
| Extract The FILE_ID.DIZ file    |
| From an archive, and implement  |
| it in the FILES.BBS file.       |
DIZIMP09.ZIP 22K 03-14-1995
DizImp v0.9 FILE_ID.DIZ Importer
+  #==x  = ===# = #=x x=# #==x +
|  #   # #   #  # #  =  # #  # |
|  #   # #  #   # #     # #==  |
+  #xx=  # #xxx # #     # #    +
Dizimp imports descriptions from
Various Archives to FILES.BBS.
Dizimp is FREEWARE.
DIZL160.ZIP 202K 03-10-1998
The DiZList v1.6 Shareware version of the
BEST filelist maker available.  Use for
ANY BBS, or none at all. Can create lists of
files and descriptions in 9 attractive styles
supports 7 archivers,unlimited configurations
Supports files.bbs, and runs under OS/2,
DOS, Windows, CD-ROMS, features you won't
find in any other filelister in the world.
Create your Freqable ALLFILES list Today.
Copyright 1996-98, Mind Over Byte Software
DIZMAN12.ZIP 52K 05-31-1993
DizMan v1.20 - The Description Manager!
|       ***** DizMan v1.20 *****       |
| DizMan can import  "FILE_ID.DIZ"  to |
| your  board.  Working with all BBS's |
| with FILES.BBS!  Works with ARC/ARJ/ |
| ZIP/ZOO!                             |
| Dizman  also  describes BMP/GIF/JPG/ |
| NST/S3M/SD4/STM/STS/669!!!  You  can |
| define additional formats & packers. |
DIZZY_39.ZIP 54K 06-17-1993
|    ***** DIZZY V.3.9 *****       |    
| Now you can import FILE_ID.DIZ   | 
| or OTHER DESC. to your FILES.BBS |
|                                  |
| # (Opt.) Only New Files          |
| # (Opt.) Safe 1. Line of Old-Desc|
| # (Opt.) ADD/KILL Files to Archiv|
| # (Opt.) Scan/Repack Archives    |
| # Infos of MOD / GIF Files etc.  |
| # English & German DOC           |
|                                  |
|   (c) 1993  Christian Mueller    |
DIZZY_44.ZIP 85K 02-15-1994
|     ***** DIZZY V.4.4 *****      |
| Now you can import FILE_ID.DIZ   |
| or OTHER DESC. to your FILES.BBS |
|                                  |
| # (Opt.) Only New Files          |
| # (Opt.) Safe FIRST or LAST Line |
|          of OLD-DESCRIPTION      |
| # (Opt.) ADD/KILL Files to Archiv|
| # (Opt.) Scan/Repack Archives    |
| # (Opt.) Free User-Comments !    |
| # Info about Files MOD/JPG/GIF...|
| # AutoAdd FILE_ID.DIZ to ARCHIV  |
| # English & German DOC           |
DM_V104.ZIP 14K 04-05-1993
DEL-MIS deletes missing files in FILES.BBS.
As an added  bonus,it will even sort the
files.bbs if required.
DODIZ101.ZIP 49K 12-13-1993
####### DODIZ v 1.01 #######
| Creates File_id.diz Desc.sdi File.BBS     |
| Will also Up-Date Archive File.           |
 Currently Supports ARJ,ZIP,ZOO,LHA          
 Program is Not Crippled. Registration       
 is $10.                                     
DPBFM118.ZIP 214K 02-27-1998
Dragon ProBoard FileBase Master v 1.18 Gamma
by Alex Devilliers  : Febuary 27th, 1998.
Manages the FILES.BBS for ProBoard 2.xx
(tested with v2.16). Functions: Move, Erase
files, sort by alphabetical order, Date, or
size in ascending ordecending order. Editing
and importation of decriptions (FILE_ID.DIZ,
tiff, MOD, S3M and XM). Imports new files by
masks (Ex: D*.ZIP). Optionally adds headers
in the FILES.BBS (Name of zone, number, total
files and size) internal in ANSi/ASCII or
external (file) managment from CD-ROM. Very
little configuration needed.
* Documentation and EXEcutable in French  *
FREEWARE                DrAgOn SoFtWaRe '98
DSORT300.ZIP 19K 01-08-1993
D-Sort is designed to easily and quickly sort
your FILES.BBS files in alphabetical order.
D-SoRt is design for use with RA 1.11
(compatibility with future versions is
 not gauranteed).
DUPE-N28.ZIP 46K 08-24-1996
DUPE NUKEM V2.8: Having problems with dupe
files coming in from the File Bone? Trying
to find more space on your 6 4.3 Gig hard-
drives for more CDs worth of Shareware? Try
Dupe Nukem! This program will look through
all your FILES.BBS lists for duplicate files,
let you know where they are, and delete them
for you! A must-have program for anyone who
has a large number of file areas. NEW VERSION!
Rename Dupes! Search for different version
numbers!  Improved Maximus support!  CD-Rom
Support!  Fixed Alt-CFG command!
The ULTIMATE Dupe Buster!
DWNSRT64.ZIP 243K 03-22-1998
DOWNSORT version 6.4 for OS/2 and DOS.
Produces many kinds of filelists for
BBS-es, and can maintain your FILES.BBS
files. Provided user-lists are:
HTML-format and a MAXIMUS Bulletin
format. Furthermore: TOP-download,
Orphan- and DUPlicate-reports, OK-file
and a USER-specified line layout.
Lists can be customized to a very high
extend such as BLOCK titles, insertion
of texts, import of FILE_ID.DIZ, file-
and area- selections, sorting regimes,
special handling of CDROM areas, etc.,
An unlimited number of lists in any
combination can be produced in a single
run of Downsort, extremely fast even
with the largest file collections.
DZIT11.ZIP 50K 05-17-1997
   DizIt for ProBoard v1.1
Puts file_id.diz ProBoard's
filebase. Also sorts them

Companion program to AdoptIt.
 Another release from CBWare
EBBSSORT.ZIP 42K 07-02-1998
Enhanced Files.BBS Sort (EBBS SORT)
Ver 2.31 Beta ShareWare. by Lev Zabudkin
for sorting and formatting file FILES.BBS.
handles to to 3300 files in each FILES.BBS
Old files are renamed to FILES.BAK
EBS-FS11.ZIP 10K 01-30-1997
      x#####x ######x x#####x
      ### ### xxx ### ### ###
      ### === ### ### ### ===
      ######  ###x##= =#####x
      ###     ### ### xxx ###
      ###     ### ### ### ###
      ### xxx ### ### ### ###
      ### ### ### ### ### ###
      =#####= ######= =#####=
|    El Bucanero Soft Presents    |
|       FILES.BBS Sort v1.1       |
|       -..-.-.-----...----       :
| * Sorts FILES.BBS               |
| * Support 5000 Files!           |
: * Xtreme Fast!                  |
| * Easy to Use                   |
| * FREEWARE!                     |
| * Download it NOW!              |
ELISTPRO.ZIP 66K 10-24-1992
EASTL100.ARJ   The Ultimate Allfiles maker
for RA 1.10 and 1.11
This Allfiles maker With many options.
Works great with long descriptions in
your FILES.BBS. Used with a '+'
Also  makes  list(s)  in  full  ANSI..
A must  for every RemoteAccess Sysop.
EZFBBS.ZIP 90K 01-12-1998
|            EZFBBS  v2.10b             |
| This is the fully updated version of  |
|   the popular FILES.BBS creator by    |
|   Ronald Bleckendorf. Now extracts    |
|       FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, or       |
| DESCRIPT.ION files from archives and  |
| places them into FILES.BBS. Archives  |
|    are identified by extension AND    |
|  signature. Self-extracting archives  |
| are handled as well. Handles ZIP, ARJ,|
| LZH, RAR, SQZ, ARC, UC2, PAK, and SDN |
|  files. Also describes GIF, PCX, JPG, |
| MOD, MID, JMS, 669, STM, STS, S3M, and|
| RLE files. These files are identified |
|   by signature, so the extension is   |
|    irrelevant. ALLFILES.LST can be    |
| produced if desired. Work on any drive|
|     and/or directory (not CD-ROM!)    |
EZROM22B.ZIP 241K 01-14-1996
EZ-ROM 2.20 CD-ROM Door for ANY BBS.
Direct support Wildcat, PCBoard, RA,
ProBoard, Maximus, TAG, TriBBS. UART,
DORINFOx.DEF. Keeps Own Database,
Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
BBS Ads, Supports Disk Changers,
Internal Protocols, Disk Detect, Auto
Menus, File List Maker.
FAST_405.ZIP 16K 10-04-1990
FAST 4.01 version 1.05B
Fast is a files.bbs statistics generator
compatible with either a RA 'FILES.RA'
or a quickbbs style 'FLSEARCH.CTL' file
to find the directorys containing the
files.bbs to examime. It creates a list
of the TOP 100 (or less) downloaded files
in ANSI/ASCII files defined by the sysop.
This program was remade by Bo Bendtsen 1990
FB2HTM10.ZIP 39K 05-17-1997
       FB2Htm v1.0 for ProBoard
Creates HTML files from FILES.BBS
descriptions. Optional header and
footer files.

The CBWare software page at
is an example of it's work :-)
     Another release from CBWare!
FB2M_102.ZIP 7K 08-11-1998
FILES.BBS to MysticBBS Converter
I was evaluating MysticBBS today, and
emailed the author asking how I could
convert my RA filedatabase over to
Mystic. I told him I had a utility
(elefile) which could create enhanced
style FILES.BBS with multiple line
descriptions, and I sent him an
example of how the ext. FILES.BBS
look. A couple hours later he sent
me this converter, which works
perfectly!            - pcMike
FBBSS_01.ZIP 22K 06-12-1993
fbbss_01 This sort your files.bbs file.
The programm sorts only the files all
other information isn't sorted as long
as that lines start with a space.
The programm can also add the download
counters and adjust them to the right format.
FBTRIM01.ZIP 35K 10-24-1994
FBTRIM v0.01 by Lyn Borchert
A nice little utility for removing
the date and size from incorrectly
formated FILES.BBS files. Very helpful
for the sysop putting CD-ROMs online.
FBU_100.ZIP 72K 07-10-1992
FBUTIL - The Files.Bbs utility
Version 1.00 by Bob Henderson, 1:3812/10
* Optional FileArea support for Superbbs,
  Quickbbs and RemoteAccess.
* Optionally produce headers and footers for
  the files.bbs in each file area.
* File areas can be sorted by Name, Date,
  Size, or amount of downloads.
* Each file area can be sorted differently.
* Optionally Remove missing files.
* Removes Duplicate file entries.
* Adds file counters to files that need one.
* Formats file counters to specified width.
* Can be used to change file counter type.
* Produce up to 20 file lists, each list can
  contain either all the files or all the new
  files in the defined areas.
FCE10.ZIP 56K 08-30-1991
File Comment Extractor. Creates files.bbs
by matching filenames with a downloaded
bbs listing/allfiles from another bbs
FDIZ130.ZIP 0K 01-01-1980
 x=    /   / -%[ MLN! ]%-|_____/=x
#     /___/ M 0 0 N S H i N E     #
#        -%[ Presents ]%-         #
#                                 #
# Filedoor FILE_ID Grabber  v1.30 #
#    Coded by Thunderhawk/MSH     #
#                                 #
#  Features:                      #
#   - COOL User Output            #
#   - Random Pictures Shown       #
#   - 100% Self Coded Fossil      #
#     Unit (VERY FAST!!)          #
#   - MultiNode Support           #
#   - Detects 51 Filetypes (!)    #
#   - Rips Songnames From ALL     #
#     MusicFileTypes              #
#   - Processes Most Kinds Of     #
#     Archives!                   #
#   - Adds ZipComment To Archive  #
#   - Adds Intro To Archive       #
#   - Removes Unwanted Adds       #
#   - Adds Advertisement To DIZ   #
#   - 100% Configurable!!!        #
FEBB196B.ZIP 457K 05-14-1995
Febbs is a file area manager for your
FILES.BBS bulletin board system, BBS.
It will help you keep your file areas
in shape and create your daily filelists.
FFAL110.ZIP 35K 10-11-1992
FAL110.EXE - Fixes FILES.BBS listings
Copyright 1992 by Chris O'Neill
Reads FILES.BBS files and removes any listings
where the file is no longer present.
FFG104A.ZIP 34K 10-18-1992
Fast File Gen 1.04.a
A quick 'ALL FILES' generator for RA 1.xx
or any files.bbs compatible BBS.
Copyright (C) 1992 by Kit Cragin
FFGRA103.ZIP 27K 03-29-1992
Fast File Gen (FFG)  is a simple, but quick
and powerful `ALL FILES' list generator for
RemoteAccess BBS  (v1.10 up) which uses the
FILES.BBS rather then a more modern filebase.
FILES140.ZIP 21K 08-20-1995
FILESBBS (v1.40)
This program is designed to read a file
area description file such as the
FILES.BBS file used by the Fido BBS
software, and re-format all file
identification lines.  Now with
Maximus v3.00 long line support.
Includes full 'C' source code.
FLISTER.ZIP 40K 11-07-1993
Flister is designed to provide a downloadable
files list, including name, size in bytes,
date of file, and a 40 charachter description
of the file.  It will include all directories
that you specify which also include a
FILES.BBS in that directory. It is made for
use with RemoteAccess BBS systems.
FLPRO441.ZIP 67K 05-30-1992
FileList Professional v4.41 [bugs-fixed]
Supports both RA 1.xx, Fido 12+ and most
other FILES.BBS support BBS systems.
Appends dir header, sorts files.bbs,
multi-line descriptions aware, all files
list, new files list, popular downloads
list, directories statistics bulletin,
update download counters, uploaders name
update, remove unwanted strings from
file descriptions, more and more.
(Compiled and released on 30 May 1992)
FMAST210.ZIP 115K 07-12-1994
FileMaster v2.10               Triple-S-Ware
    A Simple Software Solutions Program
| Manage files & FILES.BBS listings for    |
| ProBoard v2.00+ or any BBS using the     |
| FILES.BBS type lists.  Imports existing  |
| BBS files/FILES.BBS & DIZ/SDI/TEXT files |
| from archives.  CD-ROM support & more!   |
FRMV21.ZIP 11K 05-17-1994
+-- File Remover v2.1 ----------+
|                               |
| FileRemover is a usefull util |
| For RA 2.xx, It will look for |
| A Filemask in All areas and   |
| For each area Only keep the   |
| Newest file exists Both in    |
| Dos and in FILES.BBS, FRemove |
| Can also Ignore Certin Areas  |
|                               |
|   - Full Source Included -    |
FSDUMP.ZIP 7K 11-30-1992
Reads in your FILES.BBS and creates a
DESCRIPT.ION (for 4DOS / 4OS2 Users)
FSORT116.ZIP 11K 02-12-1991
 FileSort V1.16 (c) 1991 by Gerhard Lustig
FileSort is a small utility for sorting your
FILES.BBS. Lines which contain no filenames
are treated as comments and are limited to
255(!) chars in length.
FTREE.ZIP 19K 09-11-1995
The FTree program  is a remote file
manager, it allows  you to view the
files on your  ProBoard BBS.  FTree
is  a PEX  program  designed to run
under ProBoard. FTree was developed
as a tool for remote Sysop activity.
FUPDAT11.ZIP 8K 05-11-1992
files.bbs Update Utility by A.Shakinovsky
This does two things:
1. Add new files to FILES.BBS listing.
2. Delete missing files from FILES.BBS.
GIFRES24.ZIP 31K 09-14-1994
---------- GIFRES version 2.4 ----------
Puts the GIF resolution into your file
listing. Still supports Spitfire.       
Written by Adam Zuckerman               
HLIST110.ZIP 17K 05-04-1992
HLIST files.bbs ALLFILES list maker
HS-DIZ03.ZIP 39K 09-06-1997
* * *  Huskie Software's DIZ, v0.3 * * *
| Very powerful and extremely flexible |
|   file_id.diz -} files.bbs creator   |
| Features: - astonishing FAST !!!     |
|           - hook for virus scanning  |
|             and/or banner adding     |
|           - delete files elder than  |
|             xx days - function       |
|           - take over old download   |
|             counters                 |
|           - take over old desc. if   |
|             no file_id.diz found     |
|           - sort files by date/name  |
|           - supports CD-ROM drives   |
|           - multidirectory operation |
|             possible                 |
|           - expand DIZ's features    |
|             with self-programmed     |
|             external modules!!       |
| Freeware! Release date: 06. Sep 1997 |
|       huskie.software@usa.net        |
ION2BBS.ZIP 7K 12-30-1996
+--------.     .®{+}¯.     .--------+
|    Convert .ION to .BBS format    |
: ==*===============IL BBS========= :
-     (c) 1997 romantic softman     -
 konvertuje z .ION do FILES.BBS     
       pridava [00] aj do FILES.BBS
ISAAC11.ZIP 16K 11-05-1994
ISAAC 1.1 - Insanity Software's
Amating Allfiles Creator - Easy
to generate allfiles lists -
Fully FEBBS compatible but now
_WITH_ filegroups - Very easy,
flexibel and fast to setup -
RA 2.0x with FILES.BBS only
JEFDOS12.ZIP 131K 04-22-1998
,--,-===========[ JEF 1.2 ]============-,--,
|  |   JMJ's Editor for FILES.BBS 1.2   |  |
| ProBoard-specific FILES.BBS editor with  |
| AllFiles, NewFiles, FREQList, Missing    |
| and Orphan lists, support for any viewer |
| or archiver, reads/writes all FILES.BBS  |
| types PB supports, very configurable,    |
| uploader rewards/punishments, ...        |
| NEW : HTML lists, HurlWizard, fullscreen |
| description editor, TempPath bugfix, ... |
|  |  FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]  |  |
LCNT150U.ZIP 131K 11-27-1992
LOGCOUNT  - the ultimate Files.Bbs counting
utility. Includes lots of processing features
for Files.Bbs, such as converting download
counters from one form to another, timestamp
uploaded files, and much more
LIMITS-5.ZIP 75K 06-18-1993
Auto Manager for LIMITS.CTL and Timelog.bbs
auto vary users time limits via hourly usage.
easy set up with NL-CFG.EXE.Optionally delete
timelog.bbs at period breaks, set periods
weekly bi-weekly, or monthly, read hourly
report via type 45 cmd, saves limits.ctl in
limits.old (Orig) uses/changes limits.ctl,
uses last period as a Reference for altering
limits.ctl this period, adds or subtract time
to users limits selected by your range.Auto
set all your KBYTES to Max DL available for
time/baud set for each sec level. FREEWARE!
LISTEM10.ZIP 36K 09-26-1990
An older allfiles list maker for files.bbs
compatible bbs's supporting ra 1.x files.ra
LL!DIZ40.ZIP 39K 01-26-1998
+(LL!DiZ V4.00)------------(FREEWARE[EXE])+
|+- letzte_lunge presents: -x*-----------+|
|:        #xxx*       xxx###|  #xx*  #xx*:|
||xx##=###### x#####x  #####=#####=##### ||
:####   ###| |## ||##| |####  ###|  ###| |:
||###|  |###  ###=### x####| |#### |#### ||
||==##x#####|  =====     #=* ==###|==###|:|
|-*- file_id.diz to files.bbs importer -*-|
| -*------- for proboard v2.1x  -------*- |
|  ¯ sorts by date or filename            |
|  ¯ ansi- andpcboard-codes supported in  |
|    the file_id.diz as well.             |
|  ¯ uebernimmt alte beschreibungen und   |
|    downloadcounter                      |
|  ¯ es werden alle packer/tools          |
|    unterstuetzt, die per kommandline    |
|    eine file_id.diz extrahieren oder    |
|    erstellen koennen .. .               |
|  ¯ es kann ein newfiles-check           |
|    durchgefuert werden                  |
|    (newfileslist, ll!diz.bat)           |
|  ¯ unterstuezt cd-rom, read-only areas  |
LLIST104.ZIP 333K 05-02-1995
L-List 1.04 ; a complete file base utility:
Files.Bbs editor, tic processor, new file
announcer, file finder, file list compiler,
upload processor.
Supports LORA, MAX and many other BBS.
Includes both DOS and OS/2 version.
MASHER-1.ZIP 37K 03-26-1994
************ MASHER v1.00 **************
* Looks inside your Zip files for the  *
* FILE_ID.DIZ. Extracts the info then  *
* makes a FILES.BBS! No more entering  *
* Descriptions by hand. Let the MASHER *
* take care of your files for now on.  *
* Every Robo SysOp should have this    *
* Utility.                             *
MFIL127B.ZIP 230K 04-13-1995
MaxFile/2 v1.27b - A text based FILES.BBS
manager for OS/2. Written specifically with 
the OS/2 sysop in mind. FILE_ID.DIZ import,
archiver and viewer functions, all files
list, nightly maintinance, and much much
MKLIST10.ZIP 14K 03-22-1995
Make List! v1.0 Searches .ZIP's
and imports each .ZIP files
description file to a text
file of your choice (given on
the command line), listing all
.ZIP files in the current
directory, and their descriptions.
Good for creating a FILES.BBS of
all .ZIP files in a directory.
*** FREEWARE ***
Copyright (c) Thomas J. Smith
MO110.ZIP 154K 02-28-1994
MOVEOLD 1.10 is a new FILES.BBS based
file area manager for RA, SuperBbs, Maximus
and Proboard feat. fullscreen FILES.BBS
editor and powerful macros for file
processing. Supports RA 2.00 gamma.
MP3DESC.ZIP 59K 11-20-1999
|             /VQF/LYR              |
|        descriptor Grabber!        |
|               into                |
|            File_Id.Diz            |
|             Files.BBS             |
+--------} Fully FREEware {---------+
|   (c) by Sovaron 7,  2:5080/152   |
|    Pls visit Sovaria System BBS   |
+----------- v4.A BugFix -----------+
OFAS_110.ZIP 34K 01-07-1989
AreaSort is a simple to use files.bbs sorter.
Simply put in AREASORT.CTL the full path
details for the files.bbs to be sorted.
AREASORT will loop through each file in turn
leaving your current files.bbs as files.bak
and creating a new files.bbs in sorted order.
Supports files.bbs containing multiple line
descriptions (see docs for details).
OLDF16.ZIP 21K 09-11-1994
OLD.EXE V1.6 - Allows FILES.BBS sysops to
painlessly delete old files from specific
file areas after X days. Completely con-
figurable. Allows protecting files from being
purged. $15 cheap shareware. Now allows
moving to temp directory instead of killing
PBCD!.ZIP 17K 11-27-1995
 EasyCD for PB 2.0x
    Version 1.01
|Now it takes only |
|a few minutes, to |
|install a CD-ROM  |
|into Proboard 2.0x|
|Copyright 1994 by |
|Henning Roll      |
| *** CARDWARE *** |
PBCD106.ZIP 203K 05-06-1995
PBCD Version 1.06.  Import FILES.BBS list
from CD-ROMs directly to Proboard.  This
version works with Proboard version 2.0x.
PBCD will scan ALL subdirectories on a
CD-ROM and setup all subdirectories that
have a FILES.BBS as a new area on your BBS.
NEW FEATURES: Will now import the multi
line descriptions found on the Pier and
Night Owl series.  Can now specify the
file list name to import.
Minor bug fix release.
Cardware by Jeffrey C. Paul.
PBFM107.ZIP 308K 06-29-1996
manager for version 2.XX of ProBoard BBS.
Complete compatibility with the new
Proboard 2.1X releases and all older
versions.  Features include file tagging,
moving, searching, delete.  Sort areas by
Name, Date, or Reverse Date.  Import DIZ
descriptions.  Edit file descriptions.
Duplicate file finder.  Adopt new files.
Remove Off-Line files.  Create ALLFILES
and NEWFILES listings.  Full Cd-ROM
support, date "touch" on adopted files.
User can now run PBFILMAN from the PB
directory or it's own directory.
Shareware for only $15 registration.
PFM310G.ZIP 370K 07-11-1994
ProFAM - Professional File Area Manager v3.10.
File area manager for RemoteAccess 1.11/2.0x,
ProBoard 1.2x/2.00, Maximus 2.0x and PCBoard
14/15. Description editing, File Area setup
sorter, Super advanced File listing generator,
and much, much more. All in one easy-to-use
program. Fully configurable. Reg: $40/300SEK.
PROFM210.ZIP 302K 03-03-1993
ProFam 2.10 is the ultimate files.bbs manager
for BBS systems.
QRFM41.ZIP 250K 12-04-1992
A BBS File Manager for BBS Systems that use
Files.BBS to describe files. QRFM will Move
Files; Virus Chk.; Recompress; Edit Desc.,
Name, Date. Backup/Catalog files on floppy.
Creates file lists including AllFiles and
Refeference Lists.Swaps to EMS or disk when
shelling. CD-ROM Compatable. (SHAREWARE)
QWIKLIST.ZIP 164K 08-01-1996
|            Qwik-List v3.31               |
|    The Ultimate File List Processor      |
|  Will make your FILES.BBS or any other   |
|     file list FAST and EASY without      |
|       complicated configurations.        |
|Simply toggle your preferences off and on.|
|  Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from   |
|   compressed files and creates a list    |
| which conforms to the FILES.BBS standard.|
|    The lists are compatible with most    |
|     BBS's and CD-ROM database doors.     |
|    Includes Kwik-Diz - DIZ/SDI Editor    |
|            -[minor bug fix]-             |
RA2FL500.ZIP 88K 04-08-1997
Version 5.00 * Update Release.
You can tag the areas you
d'like to export as well as
the areas that must be added
in the 5 File Request listings.
Up to 10 files can be excluded.
RADELETE.ZIP 8K 03-06-1993
utility used to delete a file that is
in every directory along the Remote
Access file areas path. (like files.bbs or
RADLC200.ZIP 15K 01-28-1991
RADLC; RemoteAccess DownLoad Counter.
Manages FILES.BBS download counters and more!
Supports RA 1.xx, ProBoard 2.xx and QuickBBS
versions 2.xx.
RAFAO106.ZIP 23K 05-25-1993
RAFAO v1.06 -- An A.L.M Product
RemoteAccess' File  Area Organizer was
designed to help Sysops organize thier
file base in a FMail alike enviroment.
RAFAO works  *ONLY*  with RemoteAccess
RAFF_110.ZIP 261K 01-15-1993
RAFF: Remote Access File Find v1.10
The combined files/newfiles/search/
archive lister for RemoteAccess 1.11,
SuperBBS, and other FILES.BBS systems.
Easy to install, Multinode/ Network
aware, EFT/CDROM-Support, full screen
file tagging, multi language, view
inside archives.
RAFI30.ZIP 37K 03-03-1993
RAFI_240.ZIP 89K 10-17-1993
RA_FILES is a RA files.bbs compatible door
to replaces the menu type 31 (list file area)
in all your RA menus.  RA_FILES will enhance
your file-area listings. Users can view the
contents of each archive, tag files and start
filedoor with one touch of a key.
RAFM130G.ZIP 369K 11-18-1993
RAFM version 1.30/Gamma
THE RemoteAccess File Manager!
MAJOR Update, now with Full-Screen
lister and area-switcher, pop-up
boxes and many, many more new
features! Full support for RA 2.0x.
ShareWare: $40.00
RARENAME.ZIP 8K 03-06-1993
Util to rename all your files.bbs to files.bak
or visa versa
RF10.ZIP 9K 06-11-1993
RapidFind V1.0
(c) Copyright 1993 Mario Polycarpou
Updates the text file "FILES.BBS",
which is a list of file names and
their descriptions, in the current
directory. This is used by bulletin
board system operators to maintain
the file/description list of the
BBS's file areas.
ROMPR138.ZIP 51K 03-19-1994
ROMProc v1.38 - CD-ROM Download Processor
Perfect for any BBS system running CD-ROM
drives or LANs!  Performs complete download
process of copying files to a specified area,
commenting them, transferring with the
appropriate protocol, cleaning up and
returning to the BBS. Detects archive format,
including SFX and SDN archives.  Generates
online process status.  Supports drive
locking.  Shareware, not crippled!
S2EF10AX.ZIP 35K 11-02-1995
 Std2Ext v1.0 - Convert standard FILES.BBS to
extended format (file size and date). A quick
and dirty utility that scans your FILES.BBS
and file directory and creates an extended
version with the file size and date added.
Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
A product of Silicon Creations, PB-GNU Projec

T-DIZ10.ZIP 30K 11-30-1996
.             * T-DIZ *               .
. Import all new files into FILES.BBS .
. extracting FILE_ID.DIZ from packed  .
. archives. Remove descriptions for   .
. missing files.                      .
.             * ALLDIZ *              .
. Unpack all FILE_ID.DIZ using wild-  .
. card into ALLDIZ.TXT.               .
. The following formats are supported .
-------======{ FREEWARE }======--------
T-HSTM10.ZIP 42K 11-29-1996
........ Terminate HOST utility .......
Generate  FILES.BBS   from  FILE_ID.DIZ
which  are  included  in   most  files.
Generate    filelist    for    hostmode
-------======{ FREEWARE }======--------
TDOOR19.ZIP 207K 02-19-1992
The Transfer Door is an external Door
Run as a Type 7 or 15  exit from QuickBBS,
RemoteAccess, or SuperBBS. It's designed
to replace the file section of you BBS with
a more versitile file area. This version
supports RemoteAccess 1.10 file structures,
and QuickBBS 2.75.
TDPLUS19.ZIP 308K 02-19-1992
TDPLUS is The Transfer Door 1.9 for QuickBBS,
RemoteAccess, SuperBBS and ProBoard. This
Plus version uses external menus rather then
the hardcoded menus in the normal version.
VFAM116.ZIP 136K 05-02-1992
VersaFAM is a FILES.BBS File Area Manager
for Maximus, RemoteAccess, ProBoard and
and other Bulletin Board systems.
XC_BBS14.ZIP 91K 04-08-1997
xCommander 1.04 FILES.BBS manager
-  - -----------------------------
+- -------x===x        #   #====#
----=x x=-#           x#   #x   #
- ---x=x--#   x       ##   ##   #
----=---=--===        ## x ##xxx#
-  - -----------------------------
+   * editovanie obsahu FILES.BBS
+  v znamom prostredi stylu NC/VC
++    * podpora NC/VC .MNU a .EXT
+    suborov pre externe programy
+   * copy, move, erase, dir sort
+  * externa podpora BBS softwaru
+       (c) 1997 romantic softman
+              bbs: +421-7-393247
+               Fidonet: 2:422/95
+              Ultranet: 77:2/247
+        MAGiC: XC (full version)
+           (hladam betatesterov)
XFLC_100.ZIP 73K 01-11-1993
XFLC - The Extended File List Creator
for RemoteAccess 1.11, SuperBBS, and
other FILES.BBS type systems.
Full support of EFT/CDROM area handling.
User definable list style, automatic
retrieval of filedescriptions.
X_FF50.ZIP 376K 07-09-1998
   _______     ,$$ý_______    _______ _______
  /  ____/ $$,$$ý /  ____/   /  _   //  _   /
 /  ___/   ý$$ý  /  /___    |___   //  _   /
/______/ ,$$ý$$ /______/   /______//______/
        $$ý  ýýý  Excalibur Productions '98
          .*  Future File v0.50  *.
 Future File v0.50  is a neat FILES.BBS file
   maintenance program for use with Remote
 Access 2.x (RA) in combination with taggers
      like Easttag, Wareztag!, Etc, Etc.

 - Search for new files and extract DIZzes.
 - Stripping & adding FILE_ID.DIZ lines.
 - Remove & add files from / to archives.
 - Change archive banners (ZIP-ARJ-RAR-ACE).
 - View contents of archives (ZIP-ARJ only).
 - 50 Lines Screenmode FILE_ID.DIZ Editor.
 - Unpack, copy, move, delete, rename files.
 - Destroy directory structures in archives.
 - Archive converter to ZIP and ARJ.
 - Supports all major file types.
 - Supports multiple FILES.BBS types.
 - Now with MP3 support !

             (see: history.doc)
---] ThunderStrike [----------] 09-07-98 [---

The BBS Xchange
Member of the BBS Xchange

All files are provided 0as is0. By downloading these files you agree to use them at your own risk.
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This list was generated with EleBBS/Win32 by Maarten Bekers
HTML design layout by Niels Schoot and Mike Ehlert
Maintained by Mike Ehlert